{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Redacted where import AppT import Arg import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Aeson qualified as Json import Data.Aeson.BetterErrors qualified as Json import Data.Aeson.KeyMap qualified as KeyMap import Data.Error.Tree import Data.List qualified as List import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Binary (Binary), Only (..)) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (PGArray (PGArray)) import FieldParser qualified as Field import Http qualified import Json qualified import Label import MyPrelude import Network.HTTP.Types import Network.Wai.Parse qualified as Wai import OpenTelemetry.Trace qualified as Otel hiding (getTracer, inSpan, inSpan') import Optional import Postgres.Decoder qualified as Dec import Postgres.MonadPostgres import Pretty import Prelude hiding (span) class MonadRedacted m where getRedactedApiKey :: m ByteString instance (MonadIO m) => MonadRedacted (AppT m) where getRedactedApiKey = AppT (asks (.redactedApiKey)) redactedSearch :: (MonadThrow m, MonadOtel m, MonadRedacted m) => [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> Json.Parse ErrorTree a -> m a redactedSearch advanced parser = inSpan "Redacted API Search" $ redactedApiRequestJson ( T2 (label @"action" "browse") (label @"actionArgs" ((advanced <&> second Just))) ) parser redactedGetTorrentFile :: ( MonadLogger m, MonadThrow m, HasField "torrentId" dat Int, MonadOtel m, MonadRedacted m ) => dat -> m ByteString redactedGetTorrentFile dat = inSpan' "Redacted Get Torrent File" $ \span -> do req <- mkRedactedApiRequest ( T2 (label @"action" "download") ( label @"actionArgs" [ ("id", Just (dat.torrentId & showToText @Int & textToBytesUtf8)) -- try using tokens as long as we have them (TODO: what if there’s no tokens left? -- ANSWER: it breaks: -- responseBody = "{\"status\":\"failure\",\"error\":\"You do not have any freeleech tokens left. Please use the regular DL link.\"}", -- ("usetoken", Just "1") ] ) ) httpTorrent span req mkRedactedTorrentLink :: Arg "torrentGroupId" Int -> Text mkRedactedTorrentLink torrentId = [fmt|https://redacted.ch/torrents.php?id={torrentId.unArg}|] exampleSearch :: (MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadPostgres m, MonadOtel m, MonadRedacted m) => m (Transaction m ()) exampleSearch = do t1 <- redactedSearchAndInsert [ ("searchstr", "cherish"), ("artistname", "kirinji"), -- ("year", "1982"), -- ("format", "MP3"), -- ("releasetype", "album"), ("order_by", "year") ] t3 <- redactedSearchAndInsert [ ("searchstr", "mouss et hakim"), ("artistname", "mouss et hakim"), -- ("year", "1982"), -- ("format", "MP3"), -- ("releasetype", "album"), ("order_by", "year") ] t2 <- redactedSearchAndInsert [ ("searchstr", "thriller"), ("artistname", "michael jackson"), -- ("year", "1982"), -- ("format", "MP3"), -- ("releasetype", "album"), ("order_by", "year") ] pure (t1 >> t2 >> t3) -- | Do the search, return a transaction that inserts all results from all pages of the search. redactedSearchAndInsert :: forall m. ( MonadLogger m, MonadPostgres m, MonadThrow m, MonadOtel m, MonadRedacted m ) => [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> m (Transaction m ()) redactedSearchAndInsert extraArguments = do logInfo [fmt|Doing redacted search with arguments: {showPretty extraArguments}|] -- The first search returns the amount of pages, so we use that to query all results piece by piece. firstPage <- go Nothing let remainingPages = firstPage.pages - 1 logInfo [fmt|Got the first page, found {remainingPages} more pages|] let otherPagesNum = [(2 :: Natural) .. remainingPages] otherPages <- traverse go (Just <$> otherPagesNum) pure $ (firstPage : otherPages) & concatMap (.tourGroups) & \case IsNonEmpty tgs -> tgs & insertTourGroupsAndTorrents IsEmpty -> pure () where go mpage = redactedSearch ( extraArguments -- pass the page (for every search but the first one) <> (mpage & ifExists (\page -> ("page", (page :: Natural) & showToText & textToBytesUtf8))) ) ( do status <- Json.key "status" Json.asText when (status /= "success") $ do Json.throwCustomError [fmt|Status was not "success", but {status}|] Json.key "response" $ do pages <- Json.keyMay "pages" (Field.toJsonParser (Field.mapError singleError $ Field.jsonNumber >>> Field.boundedScientificIntegral @Int "not an Integer" >>> Field.integralToNatural)) -- in case the field is missing, let’s assume there is only one page <&> fromMaybe 1 Json.key "results" $ do tourGroups <- label @"tourGroups" <$> ( Json.eachInArray $ do groupId <- Json.keyLabel @"groupId" "groupId" (Json.asIntegral @_ @Int) groupName <- Json.keyLabel @"groupName" "groupName" Json.asText fullJsonResult <- label @"fullJsonResult" <$> ( Json.asObject -- remove torrents cause they are inserted separately below <&> KeyMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k /= "torrents") <&> Json.Object ) let tourGroup = T3 groupId groupName fullJsonResult torrents <- Json.keyLabel @"torrents" "torrents" $ Json.eachInArray $ do torrentId <- Json.keyLabel @"torrentId" "torrentId" (Json.asIntegral @_ @Int) fullJsonResultT <- label @"fullJsonResult" <$> Json.asValue pure $ T2 torrentId fullJsonResultT pure (T2 (label @"tourGroup" tourGroup) torrents) ) pure ( T2 (label @"pages" pages) tourGroups ) ) insertTourGroupsAndTorrents :: NonEmpty ( T2 "tourGroup" (T3 "groupId" Int "groupName" Text "fullJsonResult" Json.Value) "torrents" [T2 "torrentId" Int "fullJsonResult" Json.Value] ) -> Transaction m () insertTourGroupsAndTorrents dat = do let tourGroups = dat <&> (.tourGroup) let torrents = dat <&> (.torrents) insertTourGroups tourGroups >>= ( \res -> insertTorrents $ zipT2 $ T2 (label @"torrentGroupIdPg" $ res <&> (.tourGroupIdPg)) (label @"torrents" (torrents & toList)) ) insertTourGroups :: NonEmpty ( T3 "groupId" Int "groupName" Text "fullJsonResult" Json.Value ) -> Transaction m [Label "tourGroupIdPg" Int] insertTourGroups dats = do let groupNames = dats <&> \dat -> [fmt|{dat.groupId}: {dat.groupName}|] logInfo [fmt|Inserting tour groups for {showPretty groupNames}|] _ <- execute [fmt| DELETE FROM redacted.torrent_groups WHERE group_id = ANY (?::integer[]) |] (Only $ (dats <&> (.groupId) & toList & PGArray :: PGArray Int)) executeManyReturningWith [fmt| INSERT INTO redacted.torrent_groups ( group_id, group_name, full_json_result ) VALUES ( ?, ? , ? ) ON CONFLICT (group_id) DO UPDATE SET group_id = excluded.group_id, group_name = excluded.group_name, full_json_result = excluded.full_json_result RETURNING (id) |] ( dats <&> \dat -> ( dat.groupId, dat.groupName, dat.fullJsonResult ) ) (label @"tourGroupIdPg" <$> Dec.fromField @Int) insertTorrents :: [ T2 "torrentGroupIdPg" Int "torrents" [T2 "torrentId" Int "fullJsonResult" Json.Value] ] -> Transaction m () insertTorrents dats = do _ <- execute [sql| DELETE FROM redacted.torrents_json WHERE torrent_id = ANY (?::integer[]) |] ( Only $ PGArray [ torrent.torrentId | dat <- dats, torrent <- dat.torrents ] ) execute [sql| INSERT INTO redacted.torrents_json ( torrent_group , torrent_id , full_json_result) SELECT * FROM UNNEST( ?::integer[] , ?::integer[] , ?::jsonb[] ) AS inputs( torrent_group , torrent_id , full_json_result) |] ( [ ( dat.torrentGroupIdPg :: Int, group.torrentId :: Int, group.fullJsonResult :: Json.Value ) | dat <- dats, group <- dat.torrents ] & unzip3PGArray ) pure () unzip3PGArray :: [(a1, a2, a3)] -> (PGArray a1, PGArray a2, PGArray a3) unzip3PGArray xs = xs & unzip3 & \(a, b, c) -> (PGArray a, PGArray b, PGArray c) redactedGetTorrentFileAndInsert :: ( HasField "torrentId" r Int, MonadPostgres m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m, MonadOtel m, MonadRedacted m ) => r -> Transaction m (Label "torrentFile" ByteString) redactedGetTorrentFileAndInsert dat = inSpan' "Redacted Get Torrent File and Insert" $ \span -> do bytes <- lift $ redactedGetTorrentFile dat execute [sql| UPDATE redacted.torrents_json SET torrent_file = ?::bytea WHERE torrent_id = ?::integer |] ( (Binary bytes :: Binary ByteString), dat.torrentId ) >>= assertOneUpdated span "redactedGetTorrentFileAndInsert" >>= \() -> pure (label @"torrentFile" bytes) getTorrentFileById :: ( MonadPostgres m, HasField "torrentId" r Int, MonadThrow m ) => r -> Transaction m (Maybe (Label "torrentFile" ByteString)) getTorrentFileById dat = do queryWith [sql| SELECT torrent_file FROM redacted.torrents WHERE torrent_id = ?::integer |] (Only $ (dat.torrentId :: Int)) (fmap @Maybe (label @"torrentFile") <$> Dec.byteaMay) >>= ensureSingleRow updateTransmissionTorrentHashById :: ( MonadPostgres m, HasField "torrentId" r Int, HasField "torrentHash" r Text ) => r -> Transaction m (Label "numberOfRowsAffected" Natural) updateTransmissionTorrentHashById dat = do execute [sql| UPDATE redacted.torrents_json SET transmission_torrent_hash = ?::text WHERE torrent_id = ?::integer |] ( dat.torrentHash :: Text, dat.torrentId :: Int ) assertOneUpdated :: (HasField "numberOfRowsAffected" r Natural, MonadThrow m, MonadIO m) => Otel.Span -> Text -> r -> m () assertOneUpdated span name x = case x.numberOfRowsAffected of 1 -> pure () n -> appThrow span ([fmt|{name :: Text}: Expected to update exactly one row, but updated {n :: Natural} row(s)|]) data TorrentData transmissionInfo = TorrentData { groupId :: Int, torrentId :: Int, seedingWeight :: Int, artists :: [T2 "artistId" Int "artistName" Text], torrentGroupJson :: TorrentGroupJson, torrentStatus :: TorrentStatus transmissionInfo, torrentFormat :: Text } data TorrentGroupJson = TorrentGroupJson { groupName :: Text, groupYear :: Natural } data TorrentStatus transmissionInfo = NoTorrentFileYet | NotInTransmissionYet | InTransmission (T2 "torrentHash" Text "transmissionInfo" transmissionInfo) getTorrentById :: (MonadPostgres m, HasField "torrentId" r Int, MonadThrow m) => r -> Transaction m Json.Value getTorrentById dat = do queryWith [sql| SELECT full_json_result FROM redacted.torrents WHERE torrent_id = ?::integer |] (getLabel @"torrentId" dat) (Dec.json Json.asValue) >>= ensureSingleRow data GetBestTorrentsFilter = GetBestTorrentsFilter { onlyDownloaded :: Bool, onlyArtist :: Maybe (Label "artistRedactedId" Natural) } -- | Find the best torrent for each torrent group (based on the seeding_weight) getBestTorrents :: (MonadPostgres m) => GetBestTorrentsFilter -> Transaction m [TorrentData ()] getBestTorrents opts = do queryWith [sql| WITH filtered_torrents AS ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (torrent_group) id FROM redacted.torrents WHERE -- onlyDownloaded ((NOT ?::bool) OR torrent_file IS NOT NULL) -- filter by artist id AND (?::bool OR (to_jsonb(?::int) <@ (jsonb_path_query_array(full_json_result, '$.artists[*].id')))) ORDER BY torrent_group, -- prefer torrents which we already downloaded torrent_file, seeding_weight DESC ) SELECT tg.group_id, t.torrent_id, t.seeding_weight, t.full_json_result->'artists' AS artists, tg.full_json_result->>'groupName' AS group_name, tg.full_json_result->>'groupYear' AS group_year, t.torrent_file IS NOT NULL AS has_torrent_file, t.transmission_torrent_hash, t.full_json_result->>'encoding' AS torrent_format FROM filtered_torrents f JOIN redacted.torrents t ON t.id = f.id JOIN redacted.torrent_groups tg ON tg.id = t.torrent_group ORDER BY seeding_weight DESC |] ( do let (onlyArtistB, onlyArtistId) = case opts.onlyArtist of Nothing -> (True, 0) Just a -> (False, a.artistRedactedId) ( opts.onlyDownloaded :: Bool, onlyArtistB :: Bool, onlyArtistId & fromIntegral @Natural @Int ) ) ( do groupId <- Dec.fromField @Int torrentId <- Dec.fromField @Int seedingWeight <- Dec.fromField @Int artists <- Dec.json $ Json.eachInArray $ do id_ <- Json.keyLabel @"artistId" "id" (Json.asIntegral @_ @Int) name <- Json.keyLabel @"artistName" "name" Json.asText pure $ T2 id_ name torrentGroupJson <- do groupName <- Dec.text groupYear <- Dec.textParse Field.decimalNatural pure $ TorrentGroupJson {..} hasTorrentFile <- Dec.fromField @Bool transmissionTorrentHash <- Dec.fromField @(Maybe Text) torrentFormat <- Dec.text pure $ TorrentData { torrentStatus = if | not hasTorrentFile -> NoTorrentFileYet | Nothing <- transmissionTorrentHash -> NotInTransmissionYet | Just hash <- transmissionTorrentHash -> InTransmission $ T2 (label @"torrentHash" hash) (label @"transmissionInfo" ()), torrentFormat = case torrentFormat of "Lossless" -> "flac" "V0 (VBR)" -> "V0" "V2 (VBR)" -> "V2" "320" -> "320" "256" -> "256" o -> o, .. } ) -- | Do a request to the redacted API. If you know what that is, you know how to find the API docs. mkRedactedApiRequest :: ( MonadThrow m, HasField "action" p ByteString, HasField "actionArgs" p [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)], MonadRedacted m ) => p -> m Http.Request mkRedactedApiRequest dat = do authKey <- getRedactedApiKey pure $ [fmt|https://redacted.ch/ajax.php|] & Http.setRequestMethod "GET" & Http.setQueryString (("action", Just dat.action) : dat.actionArgs) & Http.setRequestHeader "Authorization" [authKey] httpTorrent :: ( MonadIO m, MonadThrow m ) => Otel.Span -> Http.Request -> m ByteString httpTorrent span req = Http.httpBS req >>= assertM span ( \resp -> do let statusCode = resp & Http.getResponseStatus & (.statusCode) contentType = resp & Http.getResponseHeaders & List.lookup "content-type" <&> Wai.parseContentType <&> (\(ct, _mimeAttributes) -> ct) if | statusCode == 200, Just "application/x-bittorrent" <- contentType -> Right $ (resp & Http.getResponseBody) | statusCode == 200, Just otherType <- contentType -> Left [fmt|Redacted returned a non-torrent body, with content-type "{otherType}"|] | statusCode == 200, Nothing <- contentType -> Left [fmt|Redacted returned a body with unspecified content type|] | code <- statusCode -> Left $ AppExceptionPretty [[fmt|Redacted returned an non-200 error code, code {code}|], pretty resp] ) redactedApiRequestJson :: ( MonadThrow m, HasField "action" p ByteString, HasField "actionArgs" p [(ByteString, Maybe ByteString)], MonadOtel m, MonadRedacted m ) => p -> Json.Parse ErrorTree a -> m a redactedApiRequestJson dat parser = do mkRedactedApiRequest dat >>= Http.httpJson defaults parser