{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module JsonLd where import AppT import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Aeson qualified as Json import Data.Aeson.BetterErrors qualified as Json import Data.ByteString.Builder qualified as Builder import Data.List qualified as List import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Set qualified as Set import Html qualified import IHP.HSX.QQ (hsx) import Json qualified import Label import MyPrelude import Network.HTTP.Client.Conduit qualified as Http import Network.HTTP.Simple qualified as Http import Network.HTTP.Types.URI qualified as Url import Network.URI (URI) import Redacted import Text.Blaze.Html (Html) import Prelude hiding (span) -- | A recursive `json+ld` structure. data Jsonld = JsonldObject JsonldObject | JsonldAnonymousObject JsonldAnonymousObject | JsonldArray [Jsonld] | JsonldField Json.Value deriving stock (Show, Eq) -- | A json+ld object, that is something which can be further expanded by following the URL in its `id_` field. data JsonldObject = JsonldObject' { -- | `@type` field; currently just the plain value without taking into account the json+ld context type_ :: Set Text, -- | `@id` field, usually a link to follow for expanding the object to its full glory id_ :: Text, -- | any fields of this object that remote deemed important enough to already pre-emptively include in the object; to get all fields resolve the URL in `id_`. previewFields :: Map Text Jsonld } deriving stock (Show, Eq) -- | A json+ld object that cannot be inspected further by resolving its ID data JsonldAnonymousObject = JsonldAnonymousObject' { -- | `@type` field; currently just the plain value without taking into account the json+ld context type_ :: Set Text, -- | fields of this anonymous object fields :: Map Text Jsonld } deriving stock (Show, Eq) jsonldParser :: (Monad m) => Json.ParseT err m Jsonld jsonldParser = Json.asValue >>= \cur -> do if | Json.Object _ <- cur -> do type_ <- Json.keyMay "@type" (Json.asArraySet Json.asText Json.<|> (Set.singleton <$> Json.asText)) <&> fromMaybe Set.empty idMay <- Json.keyMay "@id" $ Json.asText fields <- Json.asObjectMap jsonldParser <&> Map.delete "@type" <&> Map.delete "@id" if | Just id_ <- idMay -> do pure $ JsonldObject $ JsonldObject' {previewFields = fields, ..} | otherwise -> pure $ JsonldAnonymousObject $ JsonldAnonymousObject' {..} | Json.Array _ <- cur -> do JsonldArray <$> Json.eachInArray jsonldParser | otherwise -> pure $ JsonldField cur renderJsonld :: Jsonld -> Html renderJsonld = \case JsonldObject obj -> renderObject obj (Just obj.id_) obj.previewFields JsonldAnonymousObject obj -> renderObject obj Nothing obj.fields JsonldArray arr -> Html.toOrderedList renderJsonld arr JsonldField f -> Html.mkVal f where renderObject obj mId_ fields = do let id_ = mId_ <&> \i -> [hsx|
|] getMoreButton = mId_ <&> \i -> [hsx|
|] [hsx|
{obj.type_ & toList & schemaTypes}
{fields & Html.toDefinitionList schemaType renderJsonld} {getMoreButton}
|] snippetHref target = Builder.toLazyByteString $ "/snips/jsonld/render" <> Url.renderQueryBuilder True [("target", Just (textToBytesUtf8 target))] schemaTypes xs = xs <&> schemaType & List.intersperse ", " & mconcat schemaType t = let href :: Text = [fmt|https://schema.org/{t}|] in [hsx|{t}|] httpGetJsonLd :: (MonadThrow m, MonadOtel m) => (URI, Http.Request) -> m Jsonld httpGetJsonLd (uri, req) = inSpan' "Fetch json+ld" $ \span -> do addAttribute span "json+ld.targetUrl" (uri & showToText) httpJson (mkOptional (label @"contentType" "application/ld+json")) jsonldParser ( req & Http.setRequestMethod "GET" & Http.setRequestHeader "Accept" ["application/ld+json"] )