{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Http ( doRequestJson, RequestOptions (..), mkRequestOptions, setRequestMethod, setRequestBodyLBS, setRequestHeader, getResponseStatus, getResponseHeader, getResponseBody, ) where import AppT import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI (original)) import Data.Char qualified as Char import Data.List qualified as List import Data.Text qualified as Text import Data.Text.Punycode qualified as Punycode import Json.Enc qualified as Enc import MyPrelude import Network.HTTP.Client import Network.HTTP.Simple import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status (..)) import Optional import Prelude hiding (span) data RequestOptions = RequestOptions { method :: ByteString, host :: Text, port :: Optional Int, path :: Optional [Text], headers :: Optional [Header], usePlainHttp :: Optional Bool } mkRequestOptions :: (HasField "method" r ByteString, HasField "host" r Text) => r -> RequestOptions mkRequestOptions opts = RequestOptions { method = opts.method, port = defaults, host = opts.host, path = defaults, headers = defaults, usePlainHttp = defaults } doRequestJson :: (MonadOtel m) => RequestOptions -> Enc.Enc -> m (Response ByteString) doRequestJson opts val = inSpan' "HTTP Request (JSON)" $ \span -> do addAttribute span "request.xh" (requestToXhCommandLine opts val) resp <- defaultRequest {secure = not (opts & optsUsePlainHttp)} & setRequestHost (opts & optsHost) & setRequestPort (opts & optsPort) -- TODO: is this automatically escaped by the library? & setRequestPath (opts & optsPath) & setRequestHeaders (opts & optsHeaders) & setRequestMethod opts.method & setRequestBodyLBS (Enc.encToBytesUtf8Lazy val) & httpBS let code = resp & getResponseStatus & (.statusCode) let msg = resp & getResponseStatus & (.statusMessage) & bytesToTextUtf8Lenient addAttribute span "request.response.status" ([fmt|{code} {msg}|] :: Text) pure resp optsHost :: RequestOptions -> ByteString optsHost opts = if opts.host & Text.isAscii then opts.host & textToBytesUtf8 else opts.host & Punycode.encode optsUsePlainHttp :: RequestOptions -> Bool optsUsePlainHttp opts = opts.usePlainHttp.withDefault False optsPort :: RequestOptions -> Int optsPort opts = opts.port.withDefault (if opts & optsUsePlainHttp then 80 else 443) optsPath :: RequestOptions -> ByteString optsPath opts = opts.path.withDefault [] & Text.intercalate "/" & ("/" <>) & textToBytesUtf8 optsHeaders :: RequestOptions -> [Header] optsHeaders opts = opts.headers.withDefault [] -- | Create a string that can be pasted on the command line to invoke the same HTTP request via the `xh` tool (curl but nicer syntax) requestToXhCommandLine :: RequestOptions -> Enc.Enc -> Text requestToXhCommandLine opts val = do let protocol = if opts & optsUsePlainHttp then "http" :: Text else "https" let url = [fmt|{protocol}://{opts & optsHost}:{opts & optsPort}{opts & optsPath}|] let headers = opts & optsHeaders <&> \(hdr, v) -> hdr.original <> ":" <> v prettyArgsForBash $ mconcat [ ["xh", url], headers <&> bytesToTextUtf8Lenient, ["--raw"], [val & Enc.encToBytesUtf8 & bytesToTextUtf8Lenient] ] -- | Pretty print a command line in a way that can be copied to bash. prettyArgsForBash :: [Text] -> Text prettyArgsForBash = Text.intercalate " " . map simpleBashEscape -- | Simple escaping for bash words. If they contain anything that’s not ascii chars -- and a bunch of often-used special characters, put the word in single quotes. simpleBashEscape :: Text -> Text simpleBashEscape t = do case Text.find (not . isSimple) t of Just _ -> escapeSingleQuote t Nothing -> t where -- any word that is just ascii characters is simple (no spaces or control characters) -- or contains a few often-used characters like - or . isSimple c = Char.isAsciiLower c || Char.isAsciiUpper c || Char.isDigit c -- These are benign, bash will not interpret them as special characters. || List.elem c ['-', '.', ':', '/'] -- Put the word in single quotes -- If there is a single quote in the word, -- close the single quoted word, add a single quote, open the word again escapeSingleQuote t' = "'" <> Text.replace "'" "'\\''" t' <> "'"