{ pkgs, depot, lib, ... }: let bins = depot.nix.getBins pkgs.s6-portable-utils [ "s6-ln" "s6-cat" "s6-echo" "s6-mkdir" "s6-test" "s6-touch" "s6-dirname" ] // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.lr [ "lr" ] ; crate-advisories = "${depot.third_party.rustsec-advisory-db}/crates"; check-security-advisory = depot.nix.writers.rustSimple { name = "parse-security-advisory"; dependencies = [ depot.third_party.rust-crates.toml depot.third_party.rust-crates.semver ]; } (builtins.readFile ./check-security-advisory.rs); # $1 is the directory with advisories for crate $2 with version $3 check-crate-advisory = depot.nix.writeExecline "check-crate-advisory" { readNArgs = 3; } [ "pipeline" [ bins.lr "-0" "-t" "depth == 1" "$1" ] "forstdin" "-0" "-Eo" "0" "advisory" "if" [ depot.tools.eprintf "advisory %s\n" "$advisory" ] check-security-advisory "$advisory" "$3" ]; # Run through everything in the `crate-advisories` repository # and check whether we can parse all the advisories without crashing. test-parsing-all-security-advisories = depot.nix.runExecline "check-all-our-crates" { } [ "pipeline" [ bins.lr "-0" "-t" "depth == 1" crate-advisories ] "if" [ # this will succeed as long as check-crate-advisory doesn’t `panic!()` (status 101) "forstdin" "-0" "-E" "-x" "101" "crate_advisories" check-crate-advisory "$crate_advisories" "foo" "0.0.0" ] "importas" "out" "out" bins.s6-touch "$out" ]; in depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets { inherit check-crate-advisory test-parsing-all-security-advisories ; }