let sol = (./solarized.dhall).hex let black = "#000000" let white = "#ffffff" let -- todo: this looks not too good solarized-dark = { --Colors (Solarized Dark) colors = { -- Default colors primary = { background = black, foreground = white } , -- Cursor colors cursor = { text = sol.base03, cursor = sol.base0 } , -- Normal colors normal = { black = sol.base02 , red = sol.red , green = sol.green , yellow = sol.yellow , blue = sol.blue , magenta = sol.magenta , cyan = sol.cyan , white = sol.base2 } , -- Bright colors bright = { black = sol.base03 , red = sol.orange , green = sol.base01 , yellow = sol.base00 , blue = sol.base0 , magenta = sol.violet , cyan = sol.base1 , white = sol.base3 } } } in { alacritty-config = { font.size = 18, scolling.history = 1000000 } , -- This disables the dpi-sensitive scaling (cause otherwise the font will be humongous on my laptop screen) alacritty-env . WINIT_X11_SCALE_FACTOR = 1 }