{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }: let description = "Rust implementation of the purely-functional Nix package manager"; # https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structured-data/ # https://schema.org/SoftwareApplication structuredData = { "@context" = "https://schema.org"; "@type" = "SoftwareApplication"; name = "Tvix"; url = "https://tvix.dev"; abstract = description; applicationCategory = "DeveloperApplication"; contributor = "https://tvl.fyi"; image = "https://tvix.dev/logo.webp"; }; # All Tvix-related blog posts from the main TVL website tvixPosts = builtins.filter (post: !(post.draft or false) && (lib.hasInfix "Tvix" post.title)) depot.web.tvl.blog.posts; postListEntries = map (p: "* [${p.title}](https://tvl.fyi/blog/${p.key})") tvixPosts; landing = depot.web.tvl.template { title = "Tvix - A new implementation of Nix"; content = '' ${builtins.readFile ./landing-en.md} ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" postListEntries} ''; extraHead = '' ''; }; in pkgs.runCommand "tvix-website" { } '' mkdir $out cp ${landing} $out/index.html cp ${depot.tvix.logo}/logo.webp $out/ ''