{ lib, depot, ... }: { mkFeaturePowerset = { crateName, features, override ? { } }: let powerset = xs: let addElement = set: element: set ++ map (e: [ element ] ++ e) set; in lib.foldl' addElement [ [ ] ] xs; in lib.listToAttrs (map (featuresPowerset: { name = if featuresPowerset != [ ] then "with-features-${lib.concatStringsSep "-" featuresPowerset}" else "no-features"; value = depot.tvix.crates.workspaceMembers.${crateName}.build.override (old: { runTests = true; features = featuresPowerset; } // (if lib.isFunction override then override old else override) ); }) (powerset features)); # Filters the given source, only keeping files related to the build, preventing unnecessary rebuilds. # Includes src in the root, all other .rs files and optionally Cargo specific files. # Additional files to be included can be specified in extraFileset. filterRustCrateSrc = { root # The original src , extraFileset ? null # Additional filesets to include (e.g. fileFilter for proto files) , cargoSupport ? false }: lib.fileset.toSource { inherit root; fileset = lib.fileset.intersection (lib.fileset.fromSource root) # We build our final fileset from the original src (lib.fileset.unions ([ (root + "/src") (lib.fileset.fileFilter (f: f.hasExt "rs") root) ] ++ lib.optionals cargoSupport [ (lib.fileset.fileFilter (f: f.name == "Cargo.toml") root) (lib.fileset.maybeMissing (root + "/Cargo.lock")) ] ++ lib.optional (extraFileset != null) extraFileset)); }; }