use crate::blobservice::BlobService; use crate::chunkservice::ChunkService; use crate::proto::blob_meta::ChunkMeta; use crate::proto::blob_service_server::BlobService as GRPCBlobService; use crate::proto::{BlobChunk, GRPCBlobServiceWrapper, ReadBlobRequest, StatBlobRequest}; use crate::tests::fixtures::{BLOB_A, BLOB_A_DIGEST, BLOB_B, BLOB_B_DIGEST}; use crate::tests::utils::{gen_blob_service, gen_chunk_service}; use std::path::Path; use tempfile::TempDir; fn gen_grpc_blob_service( p: &Path, ) -> GRPCBlobServiceWrapper< impl BlobService + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, impl ChunkService + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, > { let blob_service = gen_blob_service(p); let chunk_service = gen_chunk_service(p); GRPCBlobServiceWrapper::new(blob_service, chunk_service) } /// Trying to read a non-existent blob should return a not found error. #[tokio::test] async fn not_found_read() { let service = gen_grpc_blob_service(TempDir::new().unwrap().path()); let resp = service .read(tonic::Request::new(ReadBlobRequest { digest: BLOB_A_DIGEST.to_vec(), })) .await; let e = resp.expect_err("must_be_err"); assert_eq!(e.code(), tonic::Code::NotFound); } /// Trying to stat a non-existent blob should return a not found error. #[tokio::test] async fn not_found_stat() { let service = gen_grpc_blob_service(TempDir::new().unwrap().path()); let resp = service .stat(tonic::Request::new(StatBlobRequest { digest: BLOB_A_DIGEST.to_vec(), ..Default::default() })) .await .expect_err("must fail"); // The resp should be a status with Code::NotFound assert_eq!(resp.code(), tonic::Code::NotFound); } /// Put a blob in the store, get it back. We send something small enough so it /// won't get split into multiple chunks. #[tokio::test] async fn put_read_stat() { let service = gen_grpc_blob_service(TempDir::new().unwrap().path()); // Send blob A. let put_resp = service .put(tonic_mock::streaming_request(vec![BlobChunk { data: BLOB_A.clone(), }])) .await .expect("must succeed") .into_inner(); assert_eq!(BLOB_A_DIGEST.to_vec(), put_resp.digest); // Stat for the digest of A. It should return one chunk. let resp = service .stat(tonic::Request::new(StatBlobRequest { digest: BLOB_A_DIGEST.to_vec(), include_chunks: true, ..Default::default() })) .await .expect("must succeed") .into_inner(); assert_eq!(1, resp.chunks.len()); // the `chunks` field should point to the single chunk. assert_eq!( vec![ChunkMeta { digest: BLOB_A_DIGEST.to_vec(), size: BLOB_A.len() as u32, }], resp.chunks, ); // Read the chunk. It should return the same data. let resp = service .read(tonic::Request::new(ReadBlobRequest { digest: BLOB_A_DIGEST.to_vec(), })) .await; let mut rx = resp.expect("must succeed").into_inner().into_inner(); // the stream should contain one element, a BlobChunk with the same contents as BLOB_A. let item = rx .recv() .await .expect("must be some") .expect("must succeed"); assert_eq!(BLOB_A.to_vec(),; // … and no more elements assert!(rx.recv().await.is_none()); } /// Put a bigger blob in the store, and get it back. /// Assert the stat request actually returns more than one chunk, and /// we can read each chunk individually, as well as the whole blob via the /// `read()` method. #[tokio::test] async fn put_read_stat_large() { let service = gen_grpc_blob_service(TempDir::new().unwrap().path()); // split up BLOB_B into BlobChunks containing 1K bytes each. let blob_b_blobchunks: Vec = BLOB_B .chunks(1024) .map(|x| BlobChunk { data: x.to_vec() }) .collect(); assert!(blob_b_blobchunks.len() > 1); // Send blob B let put_resp = service .put(tonic_mock::streaming_request(blob_b_blobchunks)) .await .expect("must succeed") .into_inner(); assert_eq!(BLOB_B_DIGEST.to_vec(), put_resp.digest); // Stat for the digest of B let resp = service .stat(tonic::Request::new(StatBlobRequest { digest: BLOB_B_DIGEST.to_vec(), include_chunks: true, ..Default::default() })) .await .expect("must succeed") .into_inner(); // it should return more than one chunk. assert_ne!(1, resp.chunks.len()); // The size added up should equal the size of BLOB_B. let mut size_in_stat: u32 = 0; for chunk in &resp.chunks { size_in_stat += chunk.size } assert_eq!(BLOB_B.len() as u32, size_in_stat); // Chunks are chunked up the same way we would do locally, when initializing the chunker with the same values. // TODO: make the chunker config better accessible, so we don't need to synchronize this. { let chunker_avg_size = 64 * 1024; let chunker_min_size = chunker_avg_size / 4; let chunker_max_size = chunker_avg_size * 4; // initialize a chunker with the current buffer let blob_b = BLOB_B.to_vec(); let chunker = fastcdc::v2020::FastCDC::new( &blob_b, chunker_min_size, chunker_avg_size, chunker_max_size, ); let mut num_chunks = 0; for (i, chunk) in chunker.enumerate() { assert_eq!( resp.chunks[i].size, chunk.length as u32, "expected locally-chunked chunk length to match stat response" ); num_chunks += 1; } assert_eq!( resp.chunks.len(), num_chunks, "expected number of chunks to match" ); } // Reading the whole blob by its digest via the read() interface should succeed. { let resp = service .read(tonic::Request::new(ReadBlobRequest { digest: BLOB_B_DIGEST.to_vec(), })) .await; let mut rx = resp.expect("must succeed").into_inner().into_inner(); let mut buf: Vec = Vec::new(); while let Some(item) = rx.recv().await { let mut blob_chunk = item.expect("must not be err"); buf.append(&mut; } assert_eq!(BLOB_B.to_vec(), buf); } // Reading the whole blob by reading individual chunks should also succeed. { let mut buf: Vec = Vec::new(); for chunk in &resp.chunks { // request this individual chunk via read let resp = service .read(tonic::Request::new(ReadBlobRequest { digest: chunk.digest.clone(), })) .await; let mut rx = resp.expect("must succeed").into_inner().into_inner(); // append all items from the stream to the buffer while let Some(item) = rx.recv().await { let mut blob_chunk = item.expect("must not be err"); buf.append(&mut; } } // finished looping over all chunks, compare assert_eq!(BLOB_B.to_vec(), buf); } }