use crate::{blobservice::BlobService, chunkservice::ChunkService, Error}; use data_encoding::BASE64; use tokio::{sync::mpsc::channel, task}; use tokio_stream::wrappers::ReceiverStream; use tonic::{async_trait, Request, Response, Status, Streaming}; use tracing::{debug, instrument}; pub struct GRPCBlobServiceWrapper { blob_service: BS, chunk_service: CS, } impl GRPCBlobServiceWrapper { pub fn new(blob_service: BS, chunk_service: CS) -> Self { Self { blob_service, chunk_service, } } } #[async_trait] impl< BS: BlobService + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, CS: ChunkService + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, > super::blob_service_server::BlobService for GRPCBlobServiceWrapper { type ReadStream = ReceiverStream>; #[instrument(skip(self))] async fn stat( &self, request: Request, ) -> Result, Status> { let rq = request.into_inner(); match self.blob_service.stat(&rq) { Ok(None) => Err(Status::not_found(format!( "blob {} not found", BASE64.encode(&rq.digest) ))), Ok(Some(blob_meta)) => Ok(Response::new(blob_meta)), Err(e) => Err(e.into()), } } #[instrument(skip(self))] async fn read( &self, request: Request, ) -> Result, Status> { let req = request.into_inner(); let (tx, rx) = channel(5); // query the chunk service for more detailed blob info let stat_resp = self.blob_service.stat(&super::StatBlobRequest { digest: req.digest.to_vec(), include_chunks: true, ..Default::default() })?; match stat_resp { None => { // If the stat didn't return any blobmeta, the client might // still have asked for a single chunk to be read. // Check the chunkstore. if let Some(data) = self.chunk_service.get(&req.digest)? { // We already know the hash matches, and contrary to // iterating over a blobmeta, we can't know the size, // so send the contents of that chunk over, // as the first (and only) element of the stream. task::spawn(async move { let res = Ok(super::BlobChunk { data }); // send the result to the client. If the client already left, that's also fine. if (tx.send(res).await).is_err() { debug!("receiver dropped"); } }); } else { return Err(Status::not_found(format!( "blob {} not found", BASE64.encode(&req.digest), ))); } } Some(blobmeta) => { let chunk_client = self.chunk_service.clone(); // TODO: use BlobReader? // But then we might not be able to send compressed chunks as-is. // Might require implementing for it // first, so we can .next().await in here. task::spawn(async move { for chunkmeta in blobmeta.chunks { // request chunk. // We don't need to validate the digest again, as // that's required for all implementations of ChunkService. let res = match chunk_client.get(&chunkmeta.digest) { Err(e) => Err(e.into()), // TODO: make this a separate error type Ok(None) => Err(Error::StorageError(format!( "consistency error: chunk {} for blob {} not found", BASE64.encode(&chunkmeta.digest), BASE64.encode(&req.digest), )) .into()), Ok(Some(data)) => { // We already know the hash matches, but also // check the size matches what chunkmeta said. if data.len() as u32 != chunkmeta.size { Err(Error::StorageError(format!( "consistency error: chunk {} for blob {} has wrong size, expected {}, got {}", BASE64.encode(&chunkmeta.digest), BASE64.encode(&req.digest), chunkmeta.size, data.len(), )).into()) } else { // send out the current chunk // TODO: we might want to break this up further if too big? Ok(super::BlobChunk { data }) } } }; // send the result to the client if (tx.send(res).await).is_err() { debug!("receiver dropped"); break; } } }); } } let receiver_stream = ReceiverStream::new(rx); Ok(Response::new(receiver_stream)) } #[instrument(skip(self))] async fn put( &self, request: Request>, ) -> Result, Status> { let mut req_inner = request.into_inner(); // TODO: for now, we collect all Chunks into a large Vec, and then // pass it to a (content-defined) Chunker. // This is because the fastcdc crate currently operates on byte slices, // not on something implementing [std::io::Read]. // (see let mut blob_contents: Vec = Vec::new(); while let Some(mut blob_chunk) = req_inner.message().await? { blob_contents.append(&mut; } // initialize a new chunker // TODO: play with chunking sizes let chunker = fastcdc::FastCDC::new( &blob_contents, 64 * 1024 / 4, // min 64 * 1024, // avg 64 * 1024 * 4, // max ); // initialize blake3 hashers. chunk_hasher is used and reset for each // chunk, blob_hasher calculates the hash of the whole blob. let mut chunk_hasher = blake3::Hasher::new(); let mut blob_hasher = blake3::Hasher::new(); // start a BlobMeta, which we'll fill while looping over the chunks let mut blob_meta = super::BlobMeta::default(); // loop over all the chunks for chunk in chunker { // extract the data itself let chunk_data: Vec = blob_contents[chunk.offset..chunk.offset + chunk.length].to_vec(); // calculate the digest of that chunk chunk_hasher.update(&chunk_data); let chunk_digest = chunk_hasher.finalize(); chunk_hasher.reset(); // also update blob_hasher blob_hasher.update(&chunk_data); // check if chunk is already in db, and if not, insert. match self.chunk_service.has(chunk_digest.as_bytes()) { Err(e) => { return Err(Error::StorageError(format!( "unable to check if chunk {} exists: {}", BASE64.encode(chunk_digest.as_bytes()), e )) .into()); } Ok(has_chunk) => { if !has_chunk { if let Err(e) = self.chunk_service.put(chunk_data.to_vec()) { return Err(Error::StorageError(format!( "unable to store chunk {}: {}", BASE64.encode(chunk_digest.as_bytes()), e )) .into()); } } } } // add chunk to blobmeta blob_meta.chunks.push(super::blob_meta::ChunkMeta { digest: chunk_digest.as_bytes().to_vec(), size: chunk.length as u32, }); } // done reading data, finalize blob_hasher and insert blobmeta. let blob_digest = blob_hasher.finalize(); // TODO: don't store if we already have it (potentially with different chunking) match self.blob_service.put(blob_digest.as_bytes(), blob_meta) { Ok(()) => Ok(Response::new(super::PutBlobResponse { digest: blob_digest.as_bytes().to_vec(), })), Err(e) => Err(e.into()), } } }