use clap::Parser; use clap::Subcommand; use futures::future::try_join_all; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio_listener::Listener; use tokio_listener::SystemOptions; use tokio_listener::UserOptions; use tonic::transport::Server; use tracing::info; use tracing::Level; use tracing_subscriber::fmt::writer::MakeWriterExt; use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt}; use tvix_castore::proto::blob_service_server::BlobServiceServer; use tvix_castore::proto::directory_service_server::DirectoryServiceServer; use tvix_castore::proto::GRPCBlobServiceWrapper; use tvix_castore::proto::GRPCDirectoryServiceWrapper; use tvix_store::pathinfoservice::PathInfoService; use tvix_store::proto::path_info_service_server::PathInfoServiceServer; use tvix_store::proto::GRPCPathInfoServiceWrapper; #[cfg(any(feature = "fuse", feature = "virtiofs"))] use tvix_store::pathinfoservice::make_fs; #[cfg(feature = "fuse")] use tvix_castore::fs::fuse::FuseDaemon; #[cfg(feature = "otlp")] use opentelemetry::KeyValue; #[cfg(feature = "otlp")] use opentelemetry_sdk::{ resource::{ResourceDetector, SdkProvidedResourceDetector}, trace::BatchConfig, Resource, }; #[cfg(feature = "virtiofs")] use tvix_castore::fs::virtiofs::start_virtiofs_daemon; #[cfg(feature = "tonic-reflection")] use tvix_castore::proto::FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET as CASTORE_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET; #[cfg(feature = "tonic-reflection")] use tvix_store::proto::FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET; #[derive(Parser)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Cli { /// Whether to log in JSON #[arg(long)] json: bool, /// Whether to configure OTLP. Set --otlp=false to disable. #[arg(long, default_missing_value = "true", default_value = "true", num_args(0..=1), require_equals(true), action(clap::ArgAction::Set))] otlp: bool, #[arg(long)] log_level: Option, #[command(subcommand)] command: Commands, } #[derive(Subcommand)] enum Commands { /// Runs the tvix-store daemon. Daemon { #[arg(long, short = 'l')] listen_address: Option, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "sled:///var/lib/tvix-store/blobs.sled")] blob_service_addr: String, #[arg( long, env, default_value = "sled:///var/lib/tvix-store/directories.sled" )] directory_service_addr: String, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "sled:///var/lib/tvix-store/pathinfo.sled")] path_info_service_addr: String, }, /// Imports a list of paths into the store, print the store path for each of them. Import { #[clap(value_name = "PATH")] paths: Vec, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "grpc+http://[::1]:8000")] blob_service_addr: String, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "grpc+http://[::1]:8000")] directory_service_addr: String, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "grpc+http://[::1]:8000")] path_info_service_addr: String, }, /// Mounts a tvix-store at the given mountpoint #[cfg(feature = "fuse")] Mount { #[clap(value_name = "PATH")] dest: PathBuf, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "grpc+http://[::1]:8000")] blob_service_addr: String, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "grpc+http://[::1]:8000")] directory_service_addr: String, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "grpc+http://[::1]:8000")] path_info_service_addr: String, /// Number of FUSE threads to spawn. #[arg(long, env, default_value_t = default_threads())] threads: usize, #[arg(long, env, default_value_t = false)] /// Whether to configure the mountpoint with allow_other. /// Requires /etc/fuse.conf to contain the `user_allow_other` /// option, configured via `programs.fuse.userAllowOther` on NixOS. allow_other: bool, /// Whether to list elements at the root of the mount point. /// This is useful if your PathInfoService doesn't provide an /// (exhaustive) listing. #[clap(long, short, action)] list_root: bool, }, /// Starts a tvix-store virtiofs daemon at the given socket path. #[cfg(feature = "virtiofs")] #[command(name = "virtiofs")] VirtioFs { #[clap(value_name = "PATH")] socket: PathBuf, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "grpc+http://[::1]:8000")] blob_service_addr: String, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "grpc+http://[::1]:8000")] directory_service_addr: String, #[arg(long, env, default_value = "grpc+http://[::1]:8000")] path_info_service_addr: String, /// Whether to list elements at the root of the mount point. /// This is useful if your PathInfoService doesn't provide an /// (exhaustive) listing. #[clap(long, short, action)] list_root: bool, }, } #[cfg(all(feature = "fuse", not(target_os = "macos")))] fn default_threads() -> usize { std::thread::available_parallelism() .map(|threads| threads.into()) .unwrap_or(4) } // On MacFUSE only a single channel will receive ENODEV when the file system is // unmounted and so all the other channels will block forever. // See #[cfg(all(feature = "fuse", target_os = "macos"))] fn default_threads() -> usize { 1 } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let cli = Cli::parse(); // configure log settings let level = cli.log_level.unwrap_or(Level::INFO); let subscriber = tracing_subscriber::registry() .with( cli.json.then_some( tracing_subscriber::fmt::Layer::new() .with_writer(std::io::stderr.with_max_level(level)) .json(), ), ) .with( (!cli.json).then_some( tracing_subscriber::fmt::Layer::new() .with_writer(std::io::stderr.with_max_level(level)) .pretty(), ), ); // Add the otlp layer (when otlp is enabled, and it's not disabled in the CLI) // then init the registry. // If the feature is feature-flagged out, just init without adding the layer. // It's necessary to do this separately, as every with() call chains the // layer into the type of the registry. #[cfg(feature = "otlp")] { let subscriber = if cli.otlp { let tracer = opentelemetry_otlp::new_pipeline() .tracing() .with_exporter(opentelemetry_otlp::new_exporter().tonic()) .with_batch_config(BatchConfig::default()) .with_trace_config(opentelemetry_sdk::trace::config().with_resource({ // use SdkProvidedResourceDetector.detect to detect resources, // but replace the default service name with our default. // let resources = SdkProvidedResourceDetector.detect(std::time::Duration::from_secs(0)); // SdkProvidedResourceDetector currently always sets // ``, but we don't like its default. if resources.get("".into()).unwrap() == "unknown_service".into() { resources.merge(&Resource::new([KeyValue::new( "", "", )])) } else { resources } })) .install_batch(opentelemetry_sdk::runtime::Tokio)?; // Create a tracing layer with the configured tracer let layer = tracing_opentelemetry::layer().with_tracer(tracer); subscriber.with(Some(layer)) } else { subscriber.with(None) }; subscriber.try_init()?; } // Init the registry (when otlp is not enabled) #[cfg(not(feature = "otlp"))] { subscriber.try_init()?; } match cli.command { Commands::Daemon { listen_address, blob_service_addr, directory_service_addr, path_info_service_addr, } => { // initialize stores let (blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service) = tvix_store::utils::construct_services( blob_service_addr, directory_service_addr, path_info_service_addr, ) .await?; let listen_address = listen_address .unwrap_or_else(|| "[::]:8000".to_string()) .parse() .unwrap(); let mut server = Server::builder(); #[allow(unused_mut)] let mut router = server .add_service(BlobServiceServer::new(GRPCBlobServiceWrapper::new( blob_service, ))) .add_service(DirectoryServiceServer::new( GRPCDirectoryServiceWrapper::new(directory_service), )) .add_service(PathInfoServiceServer::new(GRPCPathInfoServiceWrapper::new( Arc::from(path_info_service), ))); #[cfg(feature = "tonic-reflection")] { let reflection_svc = tonic_reflection::server::Builder::configure() .register_encoded_file_descriptor_set(CASTORE_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET) .register_encoded_file_descriptor_set(FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET) .build()?; router = router.add_service(reflection_svc); } info!(listen_address=%listen_address, "starting daemon"); let listener = Listener::bind( &listen_address, &SystemOptions::default(), &UserOptions::default(), ) .await?; router.serve_with_incoming(listener).await?; } Commands::Import { paths, blob_service_addr, directory_service_addr, path_info_service_addr, } => { // FUTUREWORK: allow flat for single files? let (blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service) = tvix_store::utils::construct_services( blob_service_addr, directory_service_addr, path_info_service_addr, ) .await?; // Arc the PathInfoService, as we clone it . let path_info_service: Arc = path_info_service.into(); let tasks = paths .into_iter() .map(|path| { tokio::task::spawn({ let blob_service = blob_service.clone(); let directory_service = directory_service.clone(); let path_info_service = path_info_service.clone(); async move { if let Ok(name) = tvix_store::import::path_to_name(&path) { let resp = tvix_store::import::import_path_as_nar_ca( &path, name, blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service, ) .await; if let Ok(output_path) = resp { // If the import was successful, print the path to stdout. println!("{}", output_path.to_absolute_path()); } } } }) }) .collect::>(); try_join_all(tasks).await?; } #[cfg(feature = "fuse")] Commands::Mount { dest, blob_service_addr, directory_service_addr, path_info_service_addr, list_root, threads, allow_other, } => { let (blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service) = tvix_store::utils::construct_services( blob_service_addr, directory_service_addr, path_info_service_addr, ) .await?; let mut fuse_daemon = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let fs = make_fs( blob_service, directory_service, Arc::from(path_info_service), list_root, ); info!(mount_path=?dest, "mounting"); FuseDaemon::new(fs, &dest, threads, allow_other) }) .await??; // grab a handle to unmount the file system, and register a signal // handler. tokio::spawn(async move { tokio::signal::ctrl_c().await.unwrap(); info!("interrupt received, unmounting…"); tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || fuse_daemon.unmount()).await??; info!("unmount occured, terminating…"); Ok::<_, std::io::Error>(()) }) .await??; } #[cfg(feature = "virtiofs")] Commands::VirtioFs { socket, blob_service_addr, directory_service_addr, path_info_service_addr, list_root, } => { let (blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service) = tvix_store::utils::construct_services( blob_service_addr, directory_service_addr, path_info_service_addr, ) .await?; tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { let fs = make_fs( blob_service, directory_service, Arc::from(path_info_service), list_root, ); info!(socket_path=?socket, "starting virtiofs-daemon"); start_virtiofs_daemon(fs, socket) }) .await??; } }; Ok(()) }