use clap::Parser; use mimalloc::MiMalloc; use std::error::Error; use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt; use tokio_listener::SystemOptions; use tvix_store::utils::{construct_services, ServiceUrlsGrpc}; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: MiMalloc = MiMalloc; /// Run Nix-compatible store daemon backed by tvix. #[derive(Parser)] struct Cli { #[clap(flatten)] service_addrs: ServiceUrlsGrpc, /// The address to listen on. Must be a unix domain socket. #[clap(flatten)] listen_args: tokio_listener::ListenerAddressLFlag, #[cfg(feature = "otlp")] /// Whether to configure OTLP. Set --otlp=false to disable. #[arg(long, default_missing_value = "true", default_value = "true", num_args(0..=1), require_equals(true), action(clap::ArgAction::Set))] otlp: bool, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let cli = Cli::parse(); let tracing_handle = { let mut builder = tvix_tracing::TracingBuilder::default(); builder = builder.enable_progressbar(); #[cfg(feature = "otlp")] { if cli.otlp { builder = builder.enable_otlp("tvix.daemon"); } } }; tokio::select! { res = tokio::signal::ctrl_c() => { res?; if let Err(e) = tracing_handle.force_shutdown().await { eprintln!("failed to shutdown tracing: {e}"); } Ok(()) }, res = run(cli) => { if let Err(e) = tracing_handle.shutdown().await { eprintln!("failed to shutdown tracing: {e}"); } res } } } async fn run(cli: Cli) -> Result<(), Box> { let (_blob_service, _directory_service, _path_info_service, _nar_calculation_service) = construct_services(cli.service_addrs).await?; let listen_address = cli.listen_args.listen_address.unwrap_or_else(|| { "/tmp/tvix-daemon.sock" .parse() .expect("invalid fallback listen address") }); let mut listener = tokio_listener::Listener::bind( &listen_address, &SystemOptions::default(), &cli.listen_args.listener_options, ) .await?; while let Ok((mut connection, _)) = listener.accept().await { tokio::spawn(async move { let ucred = connection .try_borrow_unix() .and_then(|u| u.peer_cred().ok()); // For now we just write the connected process credentials into the connection. let _ = connection .write_all(format!("Hello {:?}", ucred).as_bytes()) .await; }); } Ok(()) }