use axum::body::Body; use axum::extract::Query; use axum::http::StatusCode; use axum::response::Response; use bytes::Bytes; use data_encoding::BASE64URL_NOPAD; use futures::TryStreamExt; use nix_compat::{nix_http, nixbase32}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::io; use tokio_util::io::ReaderStream; use tracing::{instrument, warn, Span}; use tvix_store::nar::ingest_nar_and_hash; use crate::AppState; #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] pub(crate) struct GetNARParams { #[serde(rename = "narsize")] nar_size: u64, } #[instrument(skip(blob_service, directory_service))] pub async fn get( axum::extract::Path(root_node_enc): axum::extract::Path, axum::extract::Query(GetNARParams { nar_size }): Query, axum::extract::State(AppState { blob_service, directory_service, .. }): axum::extract::State, ) -> Result { use prost::Message; // b64decode the root node passed *by the user* let root_node_proto = BASE64URL_NOPAD .decode(root_node_enc.as_bytes()) .map_err(|e| { warn!(err=%e, "unable to decode root node b64"); StatusCode::NOT_FOUND })?; // check the proto size to be somewhat reasonable before parsing it. if root_node_proto.len() > 4096 { warn!("rejected too large root node"); return Err(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } // parse the proto let root_node: tvix_castore::proto::Node = Message::decode(Bytes::from(root_node_proto)) .map_err(|e| { warn!(err=%e, "unable to decode root node proto"); StatusCode::NOT_FOUND })?; let (root_name, root_node) = root_node.into_name_and_node().map_err(|e| { warn!(err=%e, "root node validation failed"); StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST })?; if !root_name.as_ref().is_empty() { warn!("root node has name, which it shouldn't"); return Err(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } let (w, r) = tokio::io::duplex(1024 * 8); // spawn a task rendering the NAR to the client tokio::spawn(async move { if let Err(e) = tvix_store::nar::write_nar(w, &root_node, blob_service, directory_service).await { warn!(err=%e, "failed to write out NAR"); } }); Ok(Response::builder() .status(StatusCode::OK) .header("cache-control", "max-age=31536000, immutable") .header("content-length", nar_size) .header("content-type", nix_http::MIME_TYPE_NAR) .body(Body::from_stream(ReaderStream::new(r))) .unwrap()) } #[instrument(skip(blob_service, directory_service, request))] pub async fn put( axum::extract::Path(nar_str): axum::extract::Path, axum::extract::State(AppState { blob_service, directory_service, root_nodes, .. }): axum::extract::State, request: axum::extract::Request, ) -> Result<&'static str, StatusCode> { let (nar_hash_expected, compression_suffix) = nix_http::parse_nar_str(&nar_str).ok_or(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED)?; // No paths with compression suffix are supported. if !compression_suffix.is_empty() { warn!(%compression_suffix, "invalid compression suffix requested"); return Err(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED); } let s = request.into_body().into_data_stream(); let mut r = tokio_util::io::StreamReader::new(s.map_err(|e| { warn!(err=%e, "failed to read request body"); io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe, e.to_string()) })); // ingest the NAR let (root_node, nar_hash_actual, nar_size) = ingest_nar_and_hash(blob_service.clone(), directory_service.clone(), &mut r) .await .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e)) .map_err(|e| { warn!(err=%e, "failed to ingest nar"); StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR })?; let s = Span::current(); s.record("nar_hash.expected", nixbase32::encode(&nar_hash_expected)); s.record("nar_size", nar_size); if nar_hash_expected != nar_hash_actual { warn!( nar_hash.expected = nixbase32::encode(&nar_hash_expected), nar_hash.actual = nixbase32::encode(&nar_hash_actual), "nar hash mismatch" ); return Err(StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST); } // store mapping of narhash to root node into root_nodes. // we need it later to populate the root node when accepting the PathInfo. root_nodes.write().put(nar_hash_actual, root_node); Ok("") } // FUTUREWORK: maybe head by narhash. Though not too critical, as we do // implement HEAD for .narinfo.