/// This module provides macros which are used in the implementation /// of the VM for the implementation of repetitive operations. /// This macro simplifies the implementation of arithmetic operations, /// correctly handling the behaviour on different pairings of number /// types. #[macro_export] macro_rules! arithmetic_op { ( $self:ident, $op:tt ) => {{ // TODO: remove let b = $self.pop(); let a = $self.pop(); let result = fallible!($self, arithmetic_op!(&a, &b, $op)); $self.push(result); }}; ( $a:expr, $b:expr, $op:tt ) => {{ match ($a, $b) { (Value::Integer(i1), Value::Integer(i2)) => Ok(Value::Integer(i1 $op i2)), (Value::Float(f1), Value::Float(f2)) => Ok(Value::Float(f1 $op f2)), (Value::Integer(i1), Value::Float(f2)) => Ok(Value::Float(*i1 as f64 $op f2)), (Value::Float(f1), Value::Integer(i2)) => Ok(Value::Float(f1 $op *i2 as f64)), (v1, v2) => Err(ErrorKind::TypeError { expected: "number (either int or float)", actual: if v1.is_number() { v2.type_of() } else { v1.type_of() }, }), } }}; } /// This macro simplifies the implementation of comparison operations. #[macro_export] macro_rules! cmp_op { ( $vm:ident, $frame:ident, $span:ident, $op:tt ) => {{ lifted_pop! { $vm(b, a) => { async fn compare(a: Value, b: Value, co: GenCo) -> Result { let a = generators::request_force(&co, a).await; let b = generators::request_force(&co, b).await; let span = generators::request_span(&co).await; let ordering = a.nix_cmp_ordering(b, co, span).await?; match ordering { Err(cek) => Ok(Value::Catchable(cek)), Ok(ordering) => Ok(Value::Bool(cmp_op!(@order $op ordering))), } } let gen_span = $frame.current_light_span(); $vm.push_call_frame($span, $frame); $vm.enqueue_generator("compare", gen_span, |co| compare(a, b, co)); return Ok(false); } } }}; (@order < $ordering:expr) => { $ordering == Ordering::Less }; (@order > $ordering:expr) => { $ordering == Ordering::Greater }; (@order <= $ordering:expr) => { matches!($ordering, Ordering::Equal | Ordering::Less) }; (@order >= $ordering:expr) => { matches!($ordering, Ordering::Equal | Ordering::Greater) }; } #[macro_export] macro_rules! lifted_pop { ($vm:ident ($($bind:ident),+) => $body:expr) => { { $( let $bind = $vm.stack_pop(); )+ $( if $bind.is_catchable() { $vm.stack.push($bind); continue; } )+ $body } } }