//! Utilities for dealing with span tracking in the compiler and in //! error reporting. use codemap::{File, Span}; use rnix::ast; use rowan::ast::AstNode; /// Trait implemented by all types from which we can retrieve a span. pub trait ToSpan { fn span_for(&self, file: &File) -> Span; } impl ToSpan for Span { fn span_for(&self, _: &File) -> Span { *self } } impl ToSpan for rnix::SyntaxToken { fn span_for(&self, file: &File) -> Span { let rowan_span = self.text_range(); file.span.subspan( u32::from(rowan_span.start()) as u64, u32::from(rowan_span.end()) as u64, ) } } impl ToSpan for rnix::SyntaxNode { fn span_for(&self, file: &File) -> Span { let rowan_span = self.text_range(); file.span.subspan( u32::from(rowan_span.start()) as u64, u32::from(rowan_span.end()) as u64, ) } } /// Generates a `ToSpan` implementation for a type implementing /// `rowan::AstNode`. This is impossible to do as a blanket /// implementation because `rustc` forbids these implementations for /// traits from third-party crates due to a belief that semantic /// versioning truly could work (it doesn't). macro_rules! expr_to_span { ( $type:path ) => { impl ToSpan for $type { fn span_for(&self, file: &File) -> Span { self.syntax().span_for(file) } } }; } expr_to_span!(ast::Expr); expr_to_span!(ast::Apply); expr_to_span!(ast::Assert); expr_to_span!(ast::Attr); expr_to_span!(ast::AttrSet); expr_to_span!(ast::Attrpath); expr_to_span!(ast::AttrpathValue); expr_to_span!(ast::BinOp); expr_to_span!(ast::HasAttr); expr_to_span!(ast::Ident); expr_to_span!(ast::IdentParam); expr_to_span!(ast::IfElse); expr_to_span!(ast::Inherit); expr_to_span!(ast::Interpol); expr_to_span!(ast::Lambda); expr_to_span!(ast::LegacyLet); expr_to_span!(ast::LetIn); expr_to_span!(ast::List); expr_to_span!(ast::Literal); expr_to_span!(ast::PatBind); expr_to_span!(ast::Path); expr_to_span!(ast::Pattern); expr_to_span!(ast::Select); expr_to_span!(ast::Str); expr_to_span!(ast::UnaryOp); expr_to_span!(ast::With);