//! Macros that generate proptest test suites checking laws of stdlib traits /// Generate a suite of tests to check the laws of the [`Eq`] impl for the given type macro_rules! eq_laws { ($ty: ty) => { eq_laws!( #[strategy(::proptest::arbitrary::any::<$ty>())] $ty, Default::default() ); }; ($ty: ty, $config: expr) => { eq_laws!( #[strategy(::proptest::arbitrary::any::<$ty>())] $ty, $config ); }; (#[$meta: meta] $ty: ty, $config: expr) => { #[allow(clippy::eq_op)] mod eq { use test_strategy::proptest; use super::*; #[proptest($config)] fn reflexive(#[$meta] x: $ty) { assert!(x == x); } #[proptest($config)] fn symmetric(#[$meta] x: $ty, #[$meta] y: $ty) { assert_eq!(x == y, y == x); } #[proptest($config)] fn transitive(#[$meta] x: $ty, #[$meta] y: $ty, #[$meta] z: $ty) { dbg!(&x, &y, &z); if x == y && y == z { assert!(x == z); } } } }; } /// Generate a suite of tests to check the laws of the [`Ord`] impl for the given type macro_rules! ord_laws { ($ty: ty) => { ord_laws!( #[strategy(::proptest::arbitrary::any::<$ty>())] $ty, Default::default() ); }; ($ty: ty, $config: expr) => { ord_laws!( #[strategy(::proptest::arbitrary::any::<$ty>())] $ty, $config ); }; (#[$meta: meta] $ty: ty, $config: expr) => { mod ord { use test_strategy::proptest; use super::*; #[proptest($config)] fn partial_cmp_matches_cmp(#[$meta] x: $ty, #[$meta] y: $ty) { assert_eq!(x.partial_cmp(&y), Some(x.cmp(&y))); } #[proptest($config)] fn dual(#[$meta] x: $ty, #[$meta] y: $ty) { if x < y { assert!(y > x); } if y < x { assert!(x > y); } } #[proptest($config)] fn le_transitive(#[$meta] x: $ty, #[$meta] y: $ty, #[$meta] z: $ty) { if x < y && y < z { assert!(x < z) } } #[proptest($config)] fn gt_transitive(#[$meta] x: $ty, #[$meta] y: $ty, #[$meta] z: $ty) { if x > y && y > z { assert!(x > z) } } #[proptest($config)] fn trichotomy(#[$meta] x: $ty, #[$meta] y: $ty) { let less = x < y; let greater = x > y; let eq = x == y; if less { assert!(!greater); assert!(!eq); } if greater { assert!(!less); assert!(!eq); } if eq { assert!(!less); assert!(!greater); } } } }; } /// Generate a test to check the laws of the [`Hash`] impl for the given type macro_rules! hash_laws { ($ty: ty) => { hash_laws!( #[strategy(::proptest::arbitrary::any::<$ty>())] $ty, Default::default() ); }; ($ty: ty, $config: expr) => { hash_laws!( #[strategy(::proptest::arbitrary::any::<$ty>())] $ty, $config ); }; (#[$meta: meta] $ty: ty, $config: expr) => { mod hash { use test_strategy::proptest; use super::*; #[proptest($config)] fn matches_eq(#[$meta] x: $ty, #[$meta] y: $ty) { let hash = |x: &$ty| { use std::hash::Hasher; let mut hasher = ::std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher::new(); x.hash(&mut hasher); hasher.finish() }; if x == y { assert_eq!(hash(&x), hash(&y)); } } } }; } pub(crate) use eq_laws; pub(crate) use hash_laws; pub(crate) use ord_laws;