use clap::Parser; use mimalloc::MiMalloc; use std::rc::Rc; use std::{fs, path::PathBuf}; use tvix_cli::args::Args; use tvix_cli::repl::Repl; use tvix_cli::{init_io_handle, interpret, AllowIncomplete}; use tvix_eval::observer::DisassemblingObserver; use tvix_eval::EvalMode; use tvix_glue::tvix_store_io::TvixStoreIO; #[global_allocator] static GLOBAL: MiMalloc = MiMalloc; /// Interpret the given code snippet, but only run the Tvix compiler /// on it and return errors and warnings. fn lint(code: &str, path: Option, args: &Args) -> bool { let mut eval_builder = tvix_eval::Evaluation::builder_impure(); if args.strict { eval_builder = eval_builder.mode(EvalMode::Strict); } let source_map = eval_builder.source_map().clone(); let mut compiler_observer = DisassemblingObserver::new(source_map.clone(), std::io::stderr()); if args.dump_bytecode { eval_builder.set_compiler_observer(Some(&mut compiler_observer)); } if args.trace_runtime { eprintln!("warning: --trace-runtime has no effect with --compile-only!"); } let eval =; let result = eval.compile_only(code, path); if args.display_ast { if let Some(ref expr) = result.expr { eprintln!("AST: {}", tvix_eval::pretty_print_expr(expr)); } } for error in &result.errors { error.fancy_format_stderr(); } for warning in &result.warnings { warning.fancy_format_stderr(&source_map); } // inform the caller about any errors result.errors.is_empty() } fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); tvix_tracing::TracingBuilder::default() .enable_progressbar() .build() .expect("unable to set up tracing subscriber"); let tokio_runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().expect("failed to setup tokio runtime"); let io_handle = init_io_handle(&tokio_runtime, &args); if let Some(file) = &args.script { run_file(io_handle, file.clone(), &args) } else if let Some(expr) = &args.expr { if !interpret( io_handle, expr, None, &args, false, AllowIncomplete::RequireComplete, None, // TODO(aspen): Pass in --arg/--argstr here None, None, ) .unwrap() .finalize() { std::process::exit(1); } } else { let mut repl = Repl::new(io_handle, &args); } } fn run_file(io_handle: Rc, mut path: PathBuf, args: &Args) { if path.is_dir() { path.push("default.nix"); } let contents = fs::read_to_string(&path).expect("failed to read the input file"); let success = if args.compile_only { lint(&contents, Some(path), args) } else { interpret( io_handle, &contents, Some(path), args, false, AllowIncomplete::RequireComplete, None, None, None, ) .unwrap() .finalize() }; if !success { std::process::exit(1); } }