# Git subcommand loaded into the depot direnv via //tools/depot-deps that can # display the r/number for (a) given commit(s) in depot. The r/number is a # monotonically increasing number assigned to each commit which correspond to # refs/r/* as created by `//ops/pipelines/static-pipeline.yaml`. They can also # be used as TVL shortlinks and are supported by //web/atward. { pkgs, lib, ... }: pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "git-r"; destination = "/bin/git-r"; executable = true; text = '' set -euo pipefail PROG_NAME="$0" CANON_BRANCH="canon" CANON_REMOTE="$(git config "branch.$CANON_BRANCH.remote" || echo "origin")" CANON_HEAD="$CANON_REMOTE/$CANON_BRANCH" usage() { cat < ...] Display the r/number for the given git commit(s). If none is given, HEAD is used as a default. The r/number is a monotonically increasing number assigned to each commit on the $CANON_BRANCH branch in depot equivalent to the revcount ignoring merged in branches (using git-rev-list(1) internally). The r/numbers displayed by \`git r\` correspond to refs created by CI in depot, so they can be used as monotonically increasing commit identifiers that can be used instead of a commit hash. To have \`refs/r/*\` available locally (which is not necessary for the operation of \`git r\`), you may have to enable fetching them like this: git config --add remote.origin.fetch '+refs/r/*:refs/r/*' They are created the next time you run `git fetch origin`. EOF exit "''${1:-0}" } eprintf() { printf "$@" 1>&2 } revs=() if [[ $# -le 0 ]]; then revs+=("HEAD") fi for arg in "$@"; do # No flags supported at the moment case "$arg" in # --help is mapped to `man git-r` by git(1) # TODO(sterni): git-r man page -h | --usage) usage ;; -*) eprintf 'error: unknown flag %s\n' "$PROG_NAME" "$arg" usage 100 1>&2 ;; *) revs+=("$arg") ;; esac done for rev in "''${revs[@]}"; do # Make sure $rev is well formed git rev-parse "$rev" -- > /dev/null if git merge-base --is-ancestor "$rev" "$CANON_HEAD"; then printf 'r/' git rev-list --count --first-parent "$rev" else eprintf 'error: refusing to calculate r/number: %s is not an ancestor of %s\n' \ "$rev" "$CANON_HEAD" 1>&2 exit 100 fi done ''; # Test case, assumes that it is executed in a checkout of depot meta.ci.extraSteps.matches-refs = { needsOutput = true; label = "Verify `git r` output matches refs/r/*"; command = pkgs.writeShellScript "git-r-matches-refs" '' set -euo pipefail export PATH="${lib.makeBinPath [ pkgs.git pkgs.findutils ]}" revs=("origin/canon" "origin/canon~1" "93a746aaaa092ffc3e7eb37e1df30bfd3a28435f") failed=false # assert_eq DESCRIPTION EXPECTED GIVEN assert_eq() { desc="$1" exp="$2" given="$3" if [[ "$exp" != "$given" ]]; then failed=true printf 'error: case "%s" failed\n\texp:\t%s\n\tgot:\t%s\n' "$desc" "$exp" "$given" 1>&2 fi } git fetch origin '+refs/r/*:refs/r/*' for rev in "''${revs[@]}"; do assert_eq \ "r/number ref for $rev points at that rev" \ "$(git rev-parse "$rev")" \ "$(git rev-parse "$(./result/bin/git-r "$rev")")" done for rev in "''${revs[@]}"; do assert_eq \ "r/number for matches ref pointing at $rev" \ "$(git for-each-ref --points-at="$rev" --format="%(refname:short)" 'refs/r/*')" \ "$(./result/bin/git-r "$rev")" done assert_eq \ "Passing multiple revs to git r works as expected" \ "$(git rev-parse "''${revs[@]}")" \ "$(./result/bin/git-r "''${revs[@]}" | xargs git rev-parse)" if $failed; then exit 1 fi ''; }; }