# This file builds an Emacs pre-configured with the packages I need # and my personal Emacs configuration. { pkgs, ... }: with pkgs; with third_party.emacsPackagesNg; with third_party.emacs; let localPackages = pkgs.tools.emacs-pkgs; emacsWithPackages = (third_party.emacsPackagesNgGen third_party.emacs26).emacsWithPackages; identity = x: x; tazjinsEmacs = pkgfun: (emacsWithPackages(epkgs: pkgfun( # Actual ELPA packages (the enlightened!) (with epkgs.elpaPackages; [ ace-window avy pinentry rainbow-mode undo-tree ]) ++ # MELPA packages: (with epkgs.melpaPackages; [ browse-kill-ring cargo clojure-mode counsel counsel-notmuch dash-functional direnv dockerfile-mode elixir-mode elm-mode erlang exwm go-mode gruber-darker-theme haskell-mode ht hydra idle-highlight-mode intero ivy ivy-pass ivy-prescient jq-mode kotlin-mode lsp-mode magit markdown-toc multi-term multiple-cursors nginx-mode nix-mode notmuch # this comes from pkgs.third_party paredit password-store pg prescient racket-mode rainbow-delimiters refine restclient sly string-edit swiper telephone-line terraform-mode toml-mode transient use-package uuidgen vterm web-mode websocket which-key xelb yaml-mode ]) ++ # Custom packages [ carp-mode localPackages.dottime localPackages.term-switcher ] ))); in lib.fix(self: f: third_party.writeShellScriptBin "tazjins-emacs" '' exec ${tazjinsEmacs f}/bin/emacs \ --debug-init \ --no-site-file \ --no-site-lisp \ --no-init-file \ --directory ${./config} \ --eval "(require 'init)" $@ '' // { overrideEmacs = f': self f'; }) identity