%glr-parser %locations %define parse.error verbose %define api.pure true %defines /* %no-lines */ %parse-param { void * scanner } %parse-param { nix::ParseData * data } %lex-param { void * scanner } %lex-param { nix::ParseData * data } %expect 1 %expect-rr 1 %code requires { #define YY_NO_INPUT 1 // disable unused yyinput features #include "libexpr/parser.hh" struct YYSTYPE { union { nix::Expr * e; nix::ExprList * list; nix::ExprAttrs * attrs; nix::Formals * formals; nix::Formal * formal; nix::NixInt n; nix::NixFloat nf; const char * id; // !!! -> Symbol char * path; char * uri; nix::AttrNameVector * attrNames; nix::VectorExprs * string_parts; }; }; } %{ #include "generated/parser-tab.hh" #include "generated/lexer-tab.hh" YY_DECL; using namespace nix; namespace nix { static inline Pos makeCurPos(const YYLTYPE& loc, ParseData* data) { return Pos(data->path, loc.first_line, loc.first_column); } void yyerror(YYLTYPE* loc, yyscan_t scanner, ParseData* data, const char* error) { data->error = (format("%1%, at %2%") % error % makeCurPos(*loc, data)).str(); } } %} %type start expr expr_function expr_if expr_op %type expr_app expr_select expr_simple %type expr_list %type binds %type formals %type formal %type attrs attrpath %type string_parts_interpolated ind_string_parts %type string_parts string_attr %type attr %token ID ATTRPATH %token STR IND_STR %token INT %token FLOAT %token PATH HPATH SPATH %token URI %token IF THEN ELSE ASSERT WITH LET IN REC INHERIT EQ NEQ AND OR IMPL OR_KW %token DOLLAR_CURLY /* == ${ */ %token IND_STRING_OPEN IND_STRING_CLOSE %token ELLIPSIS %right IMPL %left OR %left AND %nonassoc EQ NEQ %nonassoc '<' '>' LEQ GEQ %right UPDATE %left NOT %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' %right CONCAT %nonassoc '?' %nonassoc NEGATE %% start: expr { data->result = $1; }; expr: expr_function; expr_function : ID ':' expr_function { $$ = new ExprLambda(CUR_POS, data->symbols.Create($1), false, 0, $3); } | '{' formals '}' ':' expr_function { $$ = new ExprLambda(CUR_POS, data->symbols.Create(""), true, $2, $5); } | '{' formals '}' '@' ID ':' expr_function { $$ = new ExprLambda(CUR_POS, data->symbols.Create($5), true, $2, $7); } | ID '@' '{' formals '}' ':' expr_function { $$ = new ExprLambda(CUR_POS, data->symbols.Create($1), true, $4, $7); } | ASSERT expr ';' expr_function { $$ = new ExprAssert(CUR_POS, $2, $4); } | WITH expr ';' expr_function { $$ = new ExprWith(CUR_POS, $2, $4); } | LET binds IN expr_function { if (!$2->dynamicAttrs.empty()) throw ParseError(format("dynamic attributes not allowed in let at %1%") % CUR_POS); $$ = new ExprLet($2, $4); } | expr_if ; expr_if : IF expr THEN expr ELSE expr { $$ = new ExprIf($2, $4, $6); } | expr_op ; expr_op : '!' expr_op %prec NOT { $$ = new ExprOpNot($2); } | '-' expr_op %prec NEGATE { $$ = new ExprApp(CUR_POS, new ExprApp(new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__sub")), new ExprInt(0)), $2); } | expr_op EQ expr_op { $$ = new ExprOpEq($1, $3); } | expr_op NEQ expr_op { $$ = new ExprOpNEq($1, $3); } | expr_op '<' expr_op { $$ = new ExprApp(CUR_POS, new ExprApp(new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__lessThan")), $1), $3); } | expr_op LEQ expr_op { $$ = new ExprOpNot(new ExprApp(CUR_POS, new ExprApp(new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__lessThan")), $3), $1)); } | expr_op '>' expr_op { $$ = new ExprApp(CUR_POS, new ExprApp(new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__lessThan")), $3), $1); } | expr_op GEQ expr_op { $$ = new ExprOpNot(new ExprApp(CUR_POS, new ExprApp(new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__lessThan")), $1), $3)); } | expr_op AND expr_op { $$ = new ExprOpAnd(CUR_POS, $1, $3); } | expr_op OR expr_op { $$ = new ExprOpOr(CUR_POS, $1, $3); } | expr_op IMPL expr_op { $$ = new ExprOpImpl(CUR_POS, $1, $3); } | expr_op UPDATE expr_op { $$ = new ExprOpUpdate(CUR_POS, $1, $3); } | expr_op '?' attrpath { $$ = new ExprOpHasAttr($1, *$3); } | expr_op '+' expr_op { $$ = new ExprConcatStrings(CUR_POS, false, new nix::VectorExprs({$1, $3})); } | expr_op '-' expr_op { $$ = new ExprApp(CUR_POS, new ExprApp(new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__sub")), $1), $3); } | expr_op '*' expr_op { $$ = new ExprApp(CUR_POS, new ExprApp(new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__mul")), $1), $3); } | expr_op '/' expr_op { $$ = new ExprApp(CUR_POS, new ExprApp(new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__div")), $1), $3); } | expr_op CONCAT expr_op { $$ = new ExprOpConcatLists(CUR_POS, $1, $3); } | expr_app ; expr_app : expr_app expr_select { $$ = new ExprApp(CUR_POS, $1, $2); } | expr_select { $$ = $1; } ; expr_select : expr_simple '.' attrpath { $$ = new ExprSelect(CUR_POS, $1, *$3, 0); } | expr_simple '.' attrpath OR_KW expr_select { $$ = new ExprSelect(CUR_POS, $1, *$3, $5); } | /* Backwards compatibility: because Nixpkgs has a rarely used function named ‘or’, allow stuff like ‘map or [...]’. */ expr_simple OR_KW { $$ = new ExprApp(CUR_POS, $1, new ExprVar(CUR_POS, data->symbols.Create("or"))); } | expr_simple { $$ = $1; } ; expr_simple : ID { if (strcmp($1, "__curPos") == 0) $$ = new ExprPos(CUR_POS); else $$ = new ExprVar(CUR_POS, data->symbols.Create($1)); } | INT { $$ = new ExprInt($1); } | FLOAT { $$ = new ExprFloat($1); } | '"' string_parts '"' { $$ = $2; } | IND_STRING_OPEN ind_string_parts IND_STRING_CLOSE { $$ = stripIndentation(CUR_POS, data->symbols, *$2); } | PATH { $$ = new ExprPath(absPath($1, data->basePath)); } | HPATH { $$ = new ExprPath(getHome() + std::string{$1 + 1}); } | SPATH { std::string path($1 + 1, strlen($1) - 2); $$ = new ExprApp(CUR_POS, new ExprApp(new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__findFile")), new ExprVar(data->symbols.Create("__nixPath"))), new ExprString(data->symbols.Create(path))); } | URI { $$ = new ExprString(data->symbols.Create($1)); } | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; } /* Let expressions `let {..., body = ...}' are just desugared into `(rec {..., body = ...}).body'. */ | LET '{' binds '}' { $3->recursive = true; $$ = new ExprSelect(noPos, $3, data->symbols.Create("body")); } | REC '{' binds '}' { $3->recursive = true; $$ = $3; } | '{' binds '}' { $$ = $2; } | '[' expr_list ']' { $$ = $2; } ; string_parts : STR | string_parts_interpolated { $$ = new ExprConcatStrings(CUR_POS, true, $1); } | { $$ = new ExprString(data->symbols.Create("")); } ; string_parts_interpolated : string_parts_interpolated STR { $$ = $1; $1->push_back($2); } | string_parts_interpolated DOLLAR_CURLY expr '}' { $$ = $1; $1->push_back($3); } | DOLLAR_CURLY expr '}' { $$ = new nix::VectorExprs; $$->push_back($2); } | STR DOLLAR_CURLY expr '}' { $$ = new nix::VectorExprs; $$->push_back($1); $$->push_back($3); } ; ind_string_parts : ind_string_parts IND_STR { $$ = $1; $1->push_back($2); } | ind_string_parts DOLLAR_CURLY expr '}' { $$ = $1; $1->push_back($3); } | { $$ = new nix::VectorExprs; } ; binds : binds attrpath '=' expr ';' { $$ = $1; addAttr($$, *$2, $4, makeCurPos(@2, data)); } | binds INHERIT attrs ';' { $$ = $1; for (auto & i : *$3) { auto sym = std::get(i); if ($$->attrs.find(sym) != $$->attrs.end()) { dupAttr(sym, makeCurPos(@3, data), $$->attrs[sym].pos); } Pos pos = makeCurPos(@3, data); $$->attrs[sym] = ExprAttrs::AttrDef(new ExprVar(CUR_POS, sym), pos, true); } } | binds INHERIT '(' expr ')' attrs ';' { $$ = $1; /* !!! Should ensure sharing of the expression in $4. */ for (auto & i : *$6) { auto sym = std::get(i); if ($$->attrs.find(sym) != $$->attrs.end()) { dupAttr(sym, makeCurPos(@6, data), $$->attrs[sym].pos); } $$->attrs[sym] = ExprAttrs::AttrDef(new ExprSelect(CUR_POS, $4, sym), makeCurPos(@6, data)); } } | { $$ = new ExprAttrs; } ; attrs : attrs attr { $$ = $1; $1->push_back(AttrName(data->symbols.Create($2))); } | attrs string_attr { $$ = $1; ExprString * str = dynamic_cast($2); if (str) { $$->push_back(AttrName(str->s)); delete str; } else throw ParseError(format("dynamic attributes not allowed in inherit at %1%") % makeCurPos(@2, data)); } | { $$ = new AttrPath; } ; attrpath : attrpath '.' attr { $$ = $1; $1->push_back(AttrName(data->symbols.Create($3))); } | attrpath '.' string_attr { $$ = $1; ExprString * str = dynamic_cast($3); if (str) { $$->push_back(AttrName(str->s)); delete str; } else { $$->push_back(AttrName($3)); } } | attr { $$ = new nix::AttrNameVector; $$->push_back(AttrName(data->symbols.Create($1))); } | string_attr { $$ = new nix::AttrNameVector; ExprString *str = dynamic_cast($1); if (str) { $$->push_back(AttrName(str->s)); delete str; } else $$->push_back(AttrName($1)); } ; attr : ID { $$ = $1; } | OR_KW { $$ = "or"; } ; string_attr : '"' string_parts '"' { $$ = $2; } | DOLLAR_CURLY expr '}' { $$ = $2; } ; expr_list : expr_list expr_select { $$ = $1; $1->elems.push_back($2); /* !!! dangerous */ } | { $$ = new ExprList; } ; formals : formal ',' formals { $$ = $3; addFormal(CUR_POS, $$, *$1); } | formal { $$ = new Formals; addFormal(CUR_POS, $$, *$1); $$->ellipsis = false; } | { $$ = new Formals; $$->ellipsis = false; } | ELLIPSIS { $$ = new Formals; $$->ellipsis = true; } ; formal : ID { $$ = new Formal(data->symbols.Create($1), 0); } | ID '?' expr { $$ = new Formal(data->symbols.Create($1), $3); } ; %% #include #include #include #include #include "libexpr/eval.hh" #include "libstore/store-api.hh" namespace nix { Expr* EvalState::parse(const char* text, const Path& path, const Path& basePath, StaticEnv& staticEnv) { yyscan_t scanner; ParseData data(*this); data.basePath = basePath; data.path = data.symbols.Create(path); yylex_init(&scanner); yy_scan_string(text, scanner); int res = yyparse(scanner, &data); yylex_destroy(scanner); if (res) { throw ParseError(data.error); } data.result->bindVars(staticEnv); return data.result; } } // namespace nix