{ depot, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (depot.nix.buildLisp) bundled; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "marijnh"; repo = "Postmodern"; rev = "v1.32"; sha256 = "0prwmpixcqpzqd67v77cs4zgbs73a10m6hs7q0rpv0z1qm7mqfcb"; }; cl-postgres = depot.nix.buildLisp.library { name = "cl-postgres"; deps = with depot.third_party.lisp; [ md5 split-sequence ironclad cl-base64 uax-15 usocket ]; srcs = map (f: src + ("/cl-postgres/" + f)) [ "package.lisp" "features.lisp" "errors.lisp" "sql-string.lisp" "trivial-utf-8.lisp" "strings-utf-8.lisp" "communicate.lisp" "messages.lisp" "oid.lisp" "ieee-floats.lisp" "interpret.lisp" "saslprep.lisp" "scram.lisp" "protocol.lisp" "public.lisp" "bulk-copy.lisp" ]; }; s-sql = depot.nix.buildLisp.library { name = "s-sql"; deps = with depot.third_party.lisp; [ cl-postgres alexandria ]; srcs = map (f: src + ("/s-sql/" + f)) [ "package.lisp" "s-sql.lisp" ]; }; postmodern = depot.nix.buildLisp.library { name = "postmodern"; deps = with depot.third_party.lisp; [ alexandria cl-postgres s-sql global-vars split-sequence cl-unicode closer-mop bordeaux-threads ]; srcs = [ "${src}/postmodern.asd" ] ++ (map (f: src + ("/postmodern/" + f)) [ "package.lisp" "connect.lisp" "query.lisp" "prepare.lisp" "roles.lisp" "util.lisp" "transaction.lisp" "namespace.lisp" "execute-file.lisp" "table.lisp" "deftable.lisp" ]); brokenOn = [ "ecl" # TODO(sterni): https://gitlab.com/embeddable-common-lisp/ecl/-/issues/651 ]; }; in postmodern // { inherit s-sql cl-postgres; }