;;; address.lisp --- e-mail address parser ;;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009 by Walter C. Pelissero ;;; Author: Walter C. Pelissero ;;; Project: mime4cl #+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: address.lisp $") ;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License ;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 ;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free ;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA ;;; 02111-1307 USA ;;; Although not MIME specific, this parser is often useful together ;;; with the MIME primitives. It should be able to parse the address ;;; syntax described in RFC2822 excluding the obsolete syntax (see ;;; RFC822). Have a look at the test suite to get an idea of what ;;; kind of addresses it can parse. (in-package :mime4cl) (defstruct (mailbox (:conc-name mbx-)) description user host domain) (defstruct (mailbox-group (:conc-name mbxg-)) name mailboxes) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun write-mailbox-domain-name (addr &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (when (eq :internet (mbx-domain addr)) (write-char #\[ stream)) (write-string (mbx-host addr) stream) (when (eq :internet (mbx-domain addr)) (write-char #\] stream)) (when (stringp (mbx-domain addr)) (write-char #\. stream) (write-string (mbx-domain addr) stream))) (defun write-mailbox-address (addr &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (write-string (mbx-user addr) stream) (when (mbx-host addr) (write-char #\@ stream) (write-mailbox-domain-name addr stream))) (defmethod mbx-domain-name ((MBX mailbox)) "Return the complete domain name string of MBX, in the form \"host.domain\"." (with-output-to-string (out) (write-mailbox-domain-name mbx out))) (defmethod mbx-address ((mbx mailbox)) "Return the e-mail address string of MBX, in the form \"user@host.domain\"." (with-output-to-string (out) (write-mailbox-address mbx out))) (defun write-mailbox (addr &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (awhen (mbx-description addr) (write it :stream stream :readably t) (write-string " <" stream)) (write-mailbox-address addr stream) (awhen (mbx-description addr) (write-char #\> stream))) (defun write-mailbox-group (grp &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (write-string (mbxg-name grp) stream) (write-string ": " stream) (loop for mailboxes on (mbxg-mailboxes grp) for mailbox = (car mailboxes) do (write-mailbox mailbox stream) unless (endp (cdr mailboxes)) do (write-string ", " stream)) (write-char #\; stream)) (defmethod print-object ((mbx mailbox) stream) (if (or *print-readably* *print-escape*) (call-next-method) (write-mailbox mbx stream))) (defmethod print-object ((grp mailbox-group) stream) (if (or *print-readably* *print-escape*) (call-next-method) (write-mailbox-group grp stream))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun parser-make-mailbox (description address-list) (make-mailbox :description description :user (car address-list) :host (cadr address-list) :domain (when (cddr address-list) (string-concat (cddr address-list) ".")))) (defun populate-grammar () (defrule address-list := (+ address ",")) (defrule address := mailbox := group) (defrule mailbox := display-name? angle-addr comment? :reduce (parser-make-mailbox (or display-name comment) angle-addr) := addr-spec comment? :reduce (parser-make-mailbox comment addr-spec)) (defrule angle-addr := "<" addr-spec ">") (defrule group := display-name ":" mailbox-list ";" :reduce (make-mailbox-group :name display-name :mailboxes mailbox-list)) (defrule display-name := phrase :reduce (string-concat phrase " ")) (defrule phrase := word+) (defrule word := atext := string) (defrule mailbox-list := (+ mailbox ",")) (defrule addr-spec := local-part "@" domain :reduce (cons local-part domain)) (defrule local-part := dot-atom :reduce (string-concat dot-atom ".") := string) (defrule domain := dot-atom := domain-literal :reduce (list domain-literal :internet)) ;; actually, according to the RFC, dot-atoms don't allow spaces in ;; between but these rules do (defrule dot-atom := (+ atom ".")) (defrule atom := atext+ :reduce (apply #'concatenate 'string atext))) (deflazy define-grammar (let ((*package* #.*package*) (*compile-print* (when npg::*debug* t))) (reset-grammar) (format t "~&creating e-mail address grammar...~%") (populate-grammar) (let ((grammar (npg:generate-grammar #'string=))) (reset-grammar) (npg:print-grammar-figures grammar) grammar))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; The lexical analyser (defstruct cursor stream (position 0)) (defun read-delimited-string (stream end-char &key nesting-start-char (escape-char #\\)) (labels ((collect () (with-output-to-string (out) (loop for c = (read-char stream nil) while (and c (not (char= c end-char))) do (cond ((char= c escape-char) (awhen (read-char stream nil) (write-char it out))) ((and nesting-start-char (char= c nesting-start-char)) (write-char nesting-start-char out) (write-string (collect) out) (write-char end-char out)) (t (write-char c out))))))) (collect))) (defun read-string (cursor) (make-token :type 'string :value (read-delimited-string (cursor-stream cursor) #\") :position (incf (cursor-position cursor)))) (defun read-domain-literal (cursor) (make-token :type 'domain-literal :value (read-delimited-string (cursor-stream cursor) #\]) :position (incf (cursor-position cursor)))) (defun read-comment (cursor) (make-token :type 'comment :value (read-delimited-string (cursor-stream cursor) #\) :nesting-start-char #\() :position (incf (cursor-position cursor)))) (declaim (inline atom-component-p)) (defun atom-component-p (c) (declare (type character c)) (not (find c " ()\"[]@.<>:;,"))) (defun read-atext (first-character cursor) (be string (with-output-to-string (out) (write-char first-character out) (loop for c = (read-char (cursor-stream cursor) nil) while (and c (atom-component-p c)) do (write-char c out) finally (when c (unread-char c (cursor-stream cursor))))) (make-token :type 'atext :value string :position (incf (cursor-position cursor))))) (defmethod read-next-tokens ((cursor cursor)) (flet ((make-keyword (c) (make-token :type 'keyword :value (string c) :position (incf (cursor-position cursor))))) (be in (cursor-stream cursor) (loop for c = (read-char in nil) while c unless (whitespace-p c) return (list (cond ((char= #\( c) (read-comment cursor)) ((char= #\" c) (read-string cursor)) ((char= #\[ c) (read-domain-literal cursor)) ((find c "@.<>:;,") (make-keyword c)) (t ;; anything else is considered a text atom even ;; though it's just a single character (read-atext c cursor)))))))) (defun analyse-string (string) "Return the list of tokens produced by a lexical analysis of STRING. These are the tokens that would be seen by the parser." (with-input-from-string (stream string) (be cursor (make-cursor :stream stream) (loop for tokens = (read-next-tokens cursor) until (endp tokens) append tokens)))) (defun mailboxes-only (list-of-mailboxes-and-groups) "Return a flat list of MAILBOX-ADDRESSes from LIST-OF-MAILBOXES-AND-GROUPS, which is the kind of list returned by PARSE-ADDRESSES. This turns out to be useful when your program is not interested in mailbox groups and expects the user addresses only." (mapcan #'(lambda (mbx) (if (typep mbx 'mailbox-group) (mbxg-mailboxes mbx) (list mbx))) list-of-mailboxes-and-groups)) (defun parse-addresses (string &key no-groups) "Parse STRING and return a list of MAILBOX-ADDRESSes or MAILBOX-GROUPs. If STRING is unparsable return NIL. If NO-GROUPS is true, return a flat list of mailboxes throwing away the group containers, if any." (be grammar (force define-grammar) (with-input-from-string (stream string) (be* cursor (make-cursor :stream stream) mailboxes (ignore-errors ; ignore parsing errors (parse grammar 'address-list cursor)) (if no-groups (mailboxes-only mailboxes) mailboxes))))) (defun debug-addresses (string) "More or less like PARSE-ADDRESSES, but don't ignore parsing errors." (be grammar (force define-grammar) (with-input-from-string (stream string) (be cursor (make-cursor :stream stream) (parse grammar 'address-list cursor)))))