# Lieer is a small tool to synchronise a Gmail account with a local # maildir. # # Lieer is packaged in nixpkgs, but as of 2019-12-23 it is an old # version using the previous branding (gmailieer). { pkgs, ... }: # For a variety of reasons (specific to my setup), custom OAuth2 # scopes are used. # # The below client ID is the default for *@tazj.in and is overridden # in a private repository for my work account. Publishing it here is # not a security issue. { clientId ? "515965513093-7b4bo4gm0q09ccsmikkuaas9a40j0jcj.apps.googleusercontent.com", clientSecret ? "3jVbpfT4GmubFD64svctJSdQ", project ? "tazjins-infrastructure" }: with pkgs; let authPatch = runCommand "client_secret.patch" {} '' export CLIENT_ID='${clientId}' export CLIENT_SECRET='${clientSecret}' export PROJECT_ID='${project}' cat ${./api_client.patch} | ${gettext}/bin/envsubst > $out ''; in python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec { name = "lieer-${version}"; version = "1.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "gauteh"; repo = "lieer"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "1zzylv8xbcrh34bz0s29dawzcyx39lai8y8wk0bl4x75v1jfynvf"; }; patches = [ authPatch ./send_scope.patch ]; propagatedBuildInputs = with python3Packages; [ notmuch oauth2client google_api_python_client tqdm ]; }