#[[.rst # # FindGuile # --------- # Find the development libraries for Guile. # # Exported Vars # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # .. variable:: Guile_FOUND # # Set to *true* if Guile was found. # # .. variable:: Guile_INCLUDE_DIRS # # A list of include directories. # # .. variable:: Guile_LIBRARIES # # A list of libraries needed to build you project. # # .. variable:: Guile_VERSION_STRING # # Guile full version. # # .. variable:: Guile_VERSION_MAJOR # # Guile major version. # # .. variable:: Guile_VERSION_MINOR # # Guile minor version. # # .. variable:: Guile_VERSION_PATCH # # Guile patch version. # # .. variable:: Guile_EXECUTABLE # # Guile executable (optional). # # .. variable:: Guile_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE # # Guile configuration executable (optional). # # .. variable:: Guile_ROOT_DIR # # Guile installation root dir (optional). # # .. variable:: Guile_SITE_DIR # # Guile installation module site dir (optional). # # .. variable:: Guile_EXTENSION_DIR # # Guile installation extension dir (optional). # # Control VARS # ~~~~~~~~~~~~ # :envvar:`Guile_ROOT_DIR` # # Use this variable to provide hints to :filename:`find_{*}` commands, # you may pass it to :command:`cmake` or set the environtment variable. # # .. code-block:: cmake # # % cmake . -Bbuild -DGuile_ROOT_DIR= # # # or # % export Guile_ROOT_DIR=; # % cmake . -Bbuild # # # or # % Guile_ROOT_DIR= cmake . -Bbuild # # #]] #[[.rst # # Copyright © 2016, Edelcides Gonçalves # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for # any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the # above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all # copies. # # *THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED* **AS IS** *AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL # WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE # LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR # PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER # TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE*. # # This file is not part of CMake # #]] include (SelectLibraryConfigurations) include (FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) function (_guile_find_component_include_dir component header) find_path ("${component}_INCLUDE_DIR" ${header} HINTS "${GUile_ROOT_DIR}" ENV Guile_ROOT_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES Guile guile Guile-2.0 guile-2.0 Guile/2.0 guile/2.0 GC gc) set ("${component}_INCLUDE_DIR" "${${component}_INCLUDE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction () function (_guile_find_component_library component_name component) find_library ("${component_name}_LIBRARY_RELEASE" NAMES "${component}" "${component}-2.0" HINTS "${GUile_ROOT_DIR}" ENV Guile_ROOT_DIR PATHS /usr/lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE} /usr/lib64/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE} /usr/lib32/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}) if (${component_name}_LIBRARY_RELEASE) select_library_configurations (${component_name}) set ("${component_name}_LIBRARY_RELEASE" "${${component_name}_LIBRARY_RELEASE}" PARENT_SCOPE) set ("${component_name}_LIBRARY" "${${component_name}_LIBRARY}" PARENT_SCOPE) set ("${component_name}_LIBRARIES" "${${component_name}_LIBRARIES}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif () endfunction () function (_guile_find_version_2 header_file macro_name) file (STRINGS "${header_file}" _VERSION REGEX "#define[\t ]+${macro_name}[\t ]+[0-9]+") if (_VERSION) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*#define[\t ]+${macro_name}[\t ]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" _VERSION_VALUE "${_VERSION}") if ("${_VERSION}" STREQUAL "${_VERSION_VALUE}") set (_VERSION_FOUND 0 PARENT_SCOPE) else () set (_VERSION_FOUND 1 PARENT_SCOPE) set (_VERSION "${_VERSION_VALUE}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif () else () set (_VERSION_FOUND 0 PARENT_SCOPE) endif () endfunction () ##### Entry Point ##### set (Guile_FOUND) set (Guile_INCLUDE_DIRS) set (Guile_LIBRARIES) set (Guile_VERSION_STRING) set (Guile_VERSION_MAJOR) set (Guile_VERSION_MINOR) set (Guile_VERSION_PATCH) set (Guile_EXECUTABLE) _guile_find_component_include_dir (Guile "libguile.h") if (Guile_INCLUDE_DIR) _guile_find_version_2 ("${Guile_INCLUDE_DIR}/libguile/version.h" SCM_MAJOR_VERSION) if (_VERSION_FOUND) set (Guile_VERSION_MAJOR "${_VERSION}") else () message (FATAL_ERROR "FindGuile: Failed to find Guile_MAJOR_VERSION.") endif () _guile_find_version_2 ("${Guile_INCLUDE_DIR}/libguile/version.h" SCM_MINOR_VERSION) if (_VERSION_FOUND) set (Guile_VERSION_MINOR "${_VERSION}") else () message (FATAL_ERROR "FindGuile: Failed to find Guile_MINOR_VERSION.") endif () _guile_find_version_2 ("${Guile_INCLUDE_DIR}/libguile/version.h" SCM_MICRO_VERSION) if (_VERSION_FOUND) set (Guile_VERSION_PATCH "${_VERSION}") else () message (FATAL_ERROR "FindGuile: Failed to find Guile_MICRO_VERSION.") endif () set (Guile_VERSION_STRING "${Guile_VERSION_MAJOR}.${Guile_VERSION_MINOR}.${Guile_VERSION_PATCH}") unset (_VERSION_FOUND) unset (_VERSION) endif () _guile_find_component_include_dir (Guile_GC "gc.h") _guile_find_component_library (Guile guile) _guile_find_component_library (Guile_GC gc) find_program (Guile_EXECUTABLE guile DOC "Guile executable.") if (Guile_EXECUTABLE) execute_process (COMMAND ${Guile_EXECUTABLE} --version RESULT_VARIABLE _status OUTPUT_VARIABLE _output OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) string (REGEX REPLACE ".*\\(GNU Guile\\)[\t ]+([0-9]+)\\..*" "\\1" _guile_ver_major "${_output}") string (REGEX REPLACE ".*\\(GNU Guile\\)[\t ]+[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*" "\\1" _guile_ver_minor "${_output}") string (REGEX REPLACE ".*\\(GNU Guile\\)[\t ]+[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*" "\\1" _guile_ver_patch "${_output}") set (_version "${_guile_ver_major}.${_guile_ver_minor}.${_guile_ver_patch}") if (NOT Guile_FIND_QUIETLY) if (NOT Guile_VERSION_STRING STREQUAL _version) message (WARNING "FindGuile: Versions provided by library differs from the one provided by executable.") endif () if (NOT _status STREQUAL "0") message (WARNING "FindGuile: guile (1) process exited abnormally.") endif () endif () unset (_version) unset (_status) unset (_version) unset (_guile_ver_major) unset (_guile_ver_minor) unset (_guile_ver_patch) endif () find_package_handle_standard_args (GC "FindGuile: Failed to find dependency GC." Guile_GC_INCLUDE_DIR Guile_GC_LIBRARY Guile_GC_LIBRARIES Guile_GC_LIBRARY_RELEASE) find_package_handle_standard_args (Guile REQUIRED_VARS Guile_INCLUDE_DIR Guile_LIBRARY Guile_LIBRARIES Guile_LIBRARY_RELEASE GC_FOUND VERSION_VAR Guile_VERSION_STRING) if (Guile_FOUND) list (APPEND Guile_INCLUDE_DIRS "${Guile_INCLUDE_DIR}" "${Guile_GC_INCLUDE_DIR}") if (NOT TARGET Guile::Library AND NOT TARGET GC::Library) add_library (Guile::GC::Library UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_property (TARGET Guile::GC::Library APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS RELEASE) set_target_properties (Guile::GC::Library PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRS "${Guile_GC_INCLUDE_DIR}" IMPORTED_LOCATION "${Guile_GC_LIBRARY}" IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${Guile_GC_LIBRARY_RELEASE}") add_library (Guile::Library UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_property (TARGET Guile::Library APPEND PROPERTY IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS RELEASE) set_property (TARGET Guile::Library APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES Guile::GC::Library) set_target_properties (Guile::Library PROPERTIES INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRSr "${Guile_INCLUDE_DIR}" IMPORTED_LOCATION "${Guile_LIBRARY}" IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${Guile_LIBRARY_RELEASE}") set (Guile_LIBRARIES Guile::Library Guile::GC::Library) endif () endif () find_program(Guile_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE NAMES guile-config DOC "Guile configutration binary") if (Guile_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE) execute_process (COMMAND ${Guile_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} info prefix OUTPUT_VARIABLE Guile_ROOT_DIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) execute_process (COMMAND ${Guile_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} info sitedir OUTPUT_VARIABLE Guile_SITE_DIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) execute_process (COMMAND ${Guile_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} info extensiondir OUTPUT_VARIABLE Guile_EXTENSION_DIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) endif () mark_as_advanced (Guile_EXECUTABLE Guile_INCLUDE_DIR Guile_LIBRARY Guile_LIBRARY_RELEASE Guile_GC_INCLUDE_DIR Guile_GC_LIBRARY Guile_GC_LIBRARY_RELEASE)