{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (pkgs) stdenv gzip bzip2 xz lzip zstd zlib openssl; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "cgit-pink"; version = "master"; src = ./.; buildInputs = [ openssl zlib ]; enableParallelBuilding = true; postPatch = '' sed -e 's|"gzip"|"${gzip}/bin/gzip"|' \ -e 's|"bzip2"|"${bzip2.bin}/bin/bzip2"|' \ -e 's|"lzip"|"${lzip}/bin/lzip"|' \ -e 's|"xz"|"${xz.bin}/bin/xz"|' \ -e 's|"zstd"|"${zstd}/bin/zstd"|' \ -i ui-snapshot.c ''; # Give cgit the git source tree including depot patches. Note that # the version expected by cgit should be kept in sync with the # version available in nixpkgs. # # TODO(tazjin): Add an assert for this somewhere so we notice it on # channel bumps. preBuild = '' rm -rf git # remove submodule dir ... cp -r --no-preserve=ownership,mode ${pkgs.srcOnly depot.third_party.git} git makeFlagsArray+=(prefix="$out" CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH="$out/cgit/") cat tvl-extra.css >> cgit.css ''; stripDebugList = [ "cgit" ]; # We don't use the filters and they require wrapping to find their deps postInstall = '' rm -rf "$out/lib/cgit/filters" find "$out" -type d -empty -delete ''; meta = { hompepage = "https://git.causal.agency/cgit-pink/"; description = "cgit fork aiming for better maintenance"; license = lib.licenses.gpl2; platforms = lib.platforms.linux; }; }