# rules_nixpkgs [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/tweag/rules_nixpkgs.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/tweag/rules_nixpkgs) Rules for importing Nixpkgs packages into Bazel. ## Rules * [nixpkgs_git_repository](#nixpkgs_git_repository) * [nixpkgs_package](#nixpkgs_package) ## Setup Add the following to your `WORKSPACE` file, and select a `$COMMIT` accordingly. ```bzl http_archive( name = "io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs", strip_prefix = "rules_nixpkgs-$COMMIT", urls = ["https://github.com/tweag/rules_nixpkgs/archive/$COMMIT.tar.gz"], ) load("@io_tweag_rules_nixpkgs//nixpkgs:nixpkgs.bzl", "nixpkgs_git_repository", "nixpkgs_package") ``` ## Example ```bzl nixpkgs_git_repository( name = "nixpkgs", revision = "17.09", # Any tag or commit hash sha256 = "" # optional sha to verify package integrity! ) nixpkgs_package( name = "hello", repositories = { "nixpkgs": "@nixpkgs//:default.nix" } ) ``` ## Rules ### nixpkgs_git_repository Name a specific revision of Nixpkgs on GitHub or a local checkout. ```bzl nixpkgs_git_repository(name, revision, sha256) ```

Name; required

A unique name for this repository.


String; required

Git commit hash or tag identifying the version of Nixpkgs to use.


String; optional

The URI of the remote Git repository. This must be a HTTP URL. There is currently no support for authentication. Defaults to upstream nixpkgs.


String; optional

The SHA256 used to verify the integrity of the repository.

### nixpkgs_local_repository Create an external repository representing the content of Nixpkgs, based on a Nix expression stored locally or provided inline. One of `nix_file` or `nix_file_content` must be provided. ```bzl nixpkgs_local_repository(name, nix_file, nix_file_deps, nix_file_content) ```

Name; required

A unique name for this repository.


String; optional

A file containing an expression for a Nix derivation.


List of labels; optional

Dependencies of `nix_file` if any.


String; optional

An expression for a Nix derivation.

### nixpkgs_package Make the content of a Nixpkgs package available in the Bazel workspace. ```bzl nixpkgs_package( name, attribute_path, nix_file, nix_file_deps, nix_file_content, repository, repositories, build_file, build_file_content, nixopts, fail_not_supported, ) ``` If `repositories` is not specified, you must provide a nixpkgs clone in `nix_file` or `nix_file_content`.

Name; required

A unique name for this target


String; optional

Select an attribute from the top-level Nix expression being evaluated. The attribute path is a sequence of attribute names separated by dots.


String; optional

A file containing an expression for a Nix derivation.


List of labels; optional

Dependencies of `nix_file` if any.


String; optional

An expression for a Nix derivation.


Label; optional

A repository label identifying which Nixpkgs to use. Equivalent to `repositories = { "nixpkgs": ...}`


String-keyed label dict; optional

A dictionary mapping `NIX_PATH` entries to repository labels.

Setting it to

repositories = { "myrepo" : "//:myrepo" }
for example would replace all instances of <myrepo> in the called nix code by the path to the target "//:myrepo". See the relevant section in the nix manual for more information.

Specify one of `path` or `repositories`.


Label; optional

The file to use as the BUILD file for this repository. Its contents are copied copied into the file BUILD in root of the nix output folder. The Label does not need to be named BUILD, but can be.

For common use cases we provide filegroups that expose certain files as targets:

Everything in the bin/ directory.
All .so and .a files that can be found in subdirectories of lib/.
All .h files that can be found in subdirectories of bin/.

If you need different files from the nix package, you can reference them like this:

package(default_visibility = [ "//visibility:public" ])
  name = "our-docs",
  srcs = glob(["share/doc/ourpackage/**/*"]),
See the bazel documentation of filegroup and glob.


String; optional

Like build_file, but a string of the contents instead of a file name.


String list; optional

Extra flags to pass when calling Nix.


Boolean; optional; default = True

If set to True (default) this rule will fail on platforms which do not support Nix (e.g. Windows). If set to False calling this rule will succeed but no output will be generated.

### nixpkgs_cc_configure Tells Bazel to use compilers and linkers from Nixpkgs for the CC toolchain. By default, Bazel autodetects a toolchain on the current `PATH`. Overriding this autodetection makes builds more hermetic and is considered a best practice. Example: ```bzl nixpkgs_cc_configure(repository = "@nixpkgs//:default.nix") ```

String; optional

An expression for a Nix environment derivation. The environment should expose all the commands that make up a CC toolchain (`cc`, `ld` etc). Exposes all commands in `stdenv.cc` and `binutils` by default.


List of labels; optional

Dependencies of `nix_file` if any.


String; optional

An expression for a Nix environment derivation.


Label; optional

A repository label identifying which Nixpkgs to use. Equivalent to `repositories = { "nixpkgs": ...}`


String-keyed label dict; optional

A dictionary mapping `NIX_PATH` entries to repository labels.

Setting it to

repositories = { "myrepo" : "//:myrepo" }
for example would replace all instances of <myrepo> in the called nix code by the path to the target "//:myrepo". See the relevant section in the nix manual for more information.

Specify one of `path` or `repositories`.

## Migration ### `path` Attribute `path` was an attribute from the early days of `rules_nixpkgs`, and its ability to reference arbitrary paths a danger to build hermeticity. Replace it with either `nixpkgs_git_repository` if you need a specific version of `nixpkgs`. If you absolutely *must* depend on a local folder, use bazel’s [`local_repository` workspace rule](https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/workspace.html#local_repository). Both approaches work well with the `repositories` attribute of `nixpkgs_package`. ```bzl local_repository( name = "local-nixpkgs", path = "/path/to/nixpkgs", ) nixpkgs_package( name = "somepackage", repositories = { "nixpkgs": "@local-nixpkgs//:default.nix", }, … ) ```