#!/usr/bin/env bash # A wrapper for Haskell binaries which have been instrumented for hpc code coverage. # Copy-pasted from Bazel's Bash runfiles library (tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash). set -euo pipefail if [[ ! -d "${RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}" && ! -f "${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}" ]]; then if [[ -f "$0.runfiles_manifest" ]]; then export RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE="$0.runfiles_manifest" elif [[ -f "$0.runfiles/MANIFEST" ]]; then export RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE="$0.runfiles/MANIFEST" elif [[ -f "$0.runfiles/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" ]]; then export RUNFILES_DIR="$0.runfiles" fi fi if [[ -f "${RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" ]]; then source "${RUNFILES_DIR}/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" elif [[ -f "${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}" ]]; then source "$(grep -m1 "^bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash " \ "$RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)" else echo >&2 "ERROR: cannot find @bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles:runfiles.bash" exit 1 fi # --- end runfiles.bash initialization --- ERRORCOLOR='\033[1;31m' CLEARCOLOR='\033[0m' binary_path=$(rlocation {binary_path}) hpc_path=$(rlocation {hpc_path}) tix_file_path={tix_file_path} coverage_report_format={coverage_report_format} strict_coverage_analysis={strict_coverage_analysis} package_path={package_path} # either of the two expected coverage metrics should be set to -1 if they're meant to be unused expected_covered_expressions_percentage={expected_covered_expressions_percentage} expected_uncovered_expression_count={expected_uncovered_expression_count} # gather the hpc directories hpc_dir_args="" mix_file_paths={mix_file_paths} for m in "${mix_file_paths[@]}" do absolute_mix_file_path=$(rlocation $m) hpc_parent_dir=$(dirname $absolute_mix_file_path) trimmed_hpc_parent_dir=$(echo "${hpc_parent_dir%%.hpc*}") hpc_dir_args="$hpc_dir_args --hpcdir=$trimmed_hpc_parent_dir.hpc" done # gather the modules to exclude from the coverage analysis hpc_exclude_args="" modules_to_exclude={modules_to_exclude} for m in "${modules_to_exclude[@]}" do hpc_exclude_args="$hpc_exclude_args --exclude=$m" done # run the test binary, and then generate the report $binary_path "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 $hpc_path report "$tix_file_path" $hpc_dir_args $hpc_exclude_args \ --srcdir "." --srcdir "$package_path" > __hpc_coverage_report # if we want a text report, just output the file generated in the previous step if [ "$coverage_report_format" == "text" ] then echo "Overall report" cat __hpc_coverage_report fi # check the covered expression percentage, and if it matches our expectations if [ "$expected_covered_expressions_percentage" -ne -1 ] then covered_expression_percentage=$(grep "expressions used" __hpc_coverage_report | cut -c 1-3) if [ "$covered_expression_percentage" -lt "$expected_covered_expressions_percentage" ] then echo -e "\n==>$ERRORCOLOR Inadequate expression coverage percentage.$CLEARCOLOR" echo -e "==> Expected $expected_covered_expressions_percentage%, but the actual coverage was $ERRORCOLOR$(($covered_expression_percentage))%$CLEARCOLOR.\n" exit 1 elif [ "$strict_coverage_analysis" == "True" ] && [ "$covered_expression_percentage" -gt "$expected_covered_expressions_percentage" ] then echo -e "\n==>$ERRORCOLOR ** BECAUSE STRICT COVERAGE ANALYSIS IS ENABLED **$CLEARCOLOR" echo -e "==> Your coverage percentage is now higher than expected.$CLEARCOLOR" echo -e "==> Expected $expected_covered_expressions_percentage% of expressions covered, but the actual value is $ERRORCOLOR$(($covered_expression_percentage))%$CLEARCOLOR." echo -e "==> Please increase the expected coverage percentage to match.\n" exit 1 fi fi # check how many uncovered expressions there are, and if that number matches our expectations if [ "$expected_uncovered_expression_count" -ne -1 ] then coverage_numerator=$(grep "expressions used" __hpc_coverage_report | sed s:.*\(::g | cut -f1 -d "/") coverage_denominator=$(grep "expressions used" __hpc_coverage_report | sed s:.*/::g | cut -f1 -d ")") uncovered_expression_count="$(($coverage_denominator - $coverage_numerator))" if [ "$uncovered_expression_count" -gt "$expected_uncovered_expression_count" ] then echo -e "\n==>$ERRORCOLOR Too many uncovered expressions.$CLEARCOLOR" echo -e "==> Expected $expected_uncovered_expression_count uncovered expressions, but the actual count was $ERRORCOLOR$(($uncovered_expression_count))$CLEARCOLOR.\n" exit 1 elif [ "$strict_coverage_analysis" == "True" ] && [ "$uncovered_expression_count" -lt "$expected_uncovered_expression_count" ] then echo -e "\n==>$ERRORCOLOR ** BECAUSE STRICT COVERAGE ANALYSIS IS ENABLED **$CLEARCOLOR" echo -e "==>$ERRORCOLOR Your uncovered expression count is now lower than expected.$CLEARCOLOR" echo -e "==> Expected $expected_uncovered_expression_count uncovered expressions, but there is $ERRORCOLOR$(($uncovered_expression_count))$CLEARCOLOR." echo -e "==> Please lower the expected uncovered expression count to match.\n" exit 1 fi fi # if we want an html report, run the hpc binary again with the "markup" command, # and feed its generated files into stdout, wrapped in XML tags if [ "$coverage_report_format" == "html" ] then $hpc_path markup "$tix_file_path" $hpc_dir_args $hpc_exclude_args \ --srcdir "." --srcdir "$package_path" --destdir=hpc_out > /dev/null 2>&1 cd hpc_out echo "COVERAGE REPORT BELOW" echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" for file in *.html **/*.hs.html; do [ -e "$file" ] || continue echo "" echo '' echo "" done echo "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%" fi