package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) filegroup( name = "bin", srcs = glob(["bin/*"]), ) cc_library( name = "threaded-rts", srcs = glob( ["lib/ghc-*/rts/libHSrts_thr-ghc*." + ext for ext in [ "so", "dylib", ]] + # dependency of `libHSrts_thr_ghc*` # globbing on the `so` version to stay working when they update [ "lib/ghc-*/rts/*", ], ), hdrs = glob(["lib/ghc-*/include/**/*.h"]), strip_include_prefix = glob( ["lib/ghc-*/include"], exclude_directories = 0, )[0], ) # TODO: detect this more automatically. cc_library( name = "unix-includes", hdrs = glob(["lib/ghc-*/unix-*/include/*.h"]), includes = glob( ["lib/ghc-*/unix-*/include"], exclude_directories = 0, ), ) # This is needed for Hazel targets. cc_library( name = "rts-headers", hdrs = glob([ "lib/ghc-*/include/**/*.h", "lib/include/**/*.h", ]), includes = glob( [ "lib/ghc-*/include", "lib/include", ], exclude_directories = 0, ), ) # Expose embedded MinGW toolchain when on Windows. filegroup( name = "empty", srcs = [], ) cc_toolchain_suite( name = "toolchain", toolchains = { "x64_windows": ":cc-compiler-mingw64", "x64_windows|ghc-mingw-gcc": ":cc-compiler-mingw64", }, ) # Keep in sync with @bazel_tools//cpp:cc-compiler-x64_windows definition. cc_toolchain( name = "cc-compiler-mingw64", all_files = ":empty", ar_files = ":empty", as_files = ":empty", compiler_files = ":empty", cpu = "x64_windows", dwp_files = ":empty", linker_files = ":empty", objcopy_files = ":empty", strip_files = ":empty", supports_param_files = 0, toolchain_identifier = "ghc_windows_mingw64", )