# Versions cas.version=6.2.0 springBootVersion=2.2.8.RELEASE # Use -jetty, -undertow to other containers # Or blank if you want to deploy to an external container appServer=-tomcat executable=false tomcatVersion=9.0.36 group=org.apereo.cas sourceCompatibility=11 targetCompatibility=11 jibVersion=2.4.0 # Location of the downloaded CAS shell JAR shellDir=build/libs ivyVersion=2.4.0 gradleDownloadTaskVersion=3.4.3 gradleMavenPluginVersion=4.1.5 gradleLombokPluginVersion=4.1.5 # use without "-slim" in tag name if you want tools like jstack, adds about 100MB to image size # (https://hub.docker.com/r/adoptopenjdk/openjdk11/tags/) baseDockerImage=adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine-jre allowInsecureRegistries=false