source clearManifests mkdir -p $TEST_ROOT/cache2 $TEST_ROOT/patches RESULT=$TEST_ROOT/result # Build version 1 and 2 of the "foo" package. $NIX_BIN_DIR/nix-push --copy $TEST_ROOT/cache2 $TEST_ROOT/manifest1 \ $($nixbuild -o $RESULT binary-patching.nix --arg version 1) out2=$($nixbuild -o $RESULT binary-patching.nix --arg version 2) $NIX_BIN_DIR/nix-push --copy $TEST_ROOT/cache2 $TEST_ROOT/manifest2 $out2 rm $RESULT # Generate a binary patch. $NIX_BIN_DIR/ $TEST_ROOT/cache2 $TEST_ROOT/patches \ file://$TEST_ROOT/patches $TEST_ROOT/manifest1 $TEST_ROOT/manifest2 grep -q "patch {" $TEST_ROOT/manifest2 # Get rid of version 2. $nixstore --delete $out2 ! test -e $out2 # Pull the manifest containing the patch. clearManifests $NIX_BIN_DIR/nix-pull file://$TEST_ROOT/manifest2 # To make sure that we're using the patch, delete the full NARs. rm -f $TEST_ROOT/cache2/* # Make sure that the download size prediction uses the patch rather # than the full download. $nixbuild -o $RESULT binary-patching.nix --arg version 2 --dry-run 2>&1 | grep -q "0.01 MiB" # Now rebuild it. This should use the patch generated above. $nixbuild -o $RESULT binary-patching.nix --arg version 2