#include "serialise.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "remote-store.hh" #include "worker-protocol.hh" #include "archive.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace nix { Path readStorePath(Source & from) { Path path = readString(from); assertStorePath(path); return path; } template T readStorePaths(Source & from) { T paths = readStrings(from); foreach (typename T::iterator, i, paths) assertStorePath(*i); return paths; } template PathSet readStorePaths(Source & from); RemoteStore::RemoteStore() { initialised = false; } void RemoteStore::openConnection(bool reserveSpace) { if (initialised) return; initialised = true; string remoteMode = getEnv("NIX_REMOTE"); if (remoteMode == "slave") /* Fork off a setuid worker to do the privileged work. */ forkSlave(); else if (remoteMode == "daemon") /* Connect to a daemon that does the privileged work for us. */ connectToDaemon(); else throw Error(format("invalid setting for NIX_REMOTE, `%1%'") % remoteMode); from.fd = fdSocket; to.fd = fdSocket; /* Send the magic greeting, check for the reply. */ try { writeInt(WORKER_MAGIC_1, to); to.flush(); unsigned int magic = readInt(from); if (magic != WORKER_MAGIC_2) throw Error("protocol mismatch"); daemonVersion = readInt(from); if (GET_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(daemonVersion) != GET_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(PROTOCOL_VERSION)) throw Error("Nix daemon protocol version not supported"); writeInt(PROTOCOL_VERSION, to); if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(daemonVersion) >= 11) writeInt(reserveSpace, to); processStderr(); } catch (Error & e) { throw Error(format("cannot start worker (%1%)") % e.msg()); } setOptions(); } void RemoteStore::forkSlave() { int sockets[2]; if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sockets) == -1) throw SysError("cannot create sockets"); fdSocket = sockets[0]; AutoCloseFD fdChild = sockets[1]; /* Start the worker. */ Path worker = getEnv("NIX_WORKER"); if (worker == "") worker = nixBinDir + "/nix-worker"; child = fork(); switch (child) { case -1: throw SysError("unable to fork"); case 0: try { /* child */ if (dup2(fdChild, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) throw SysError("dupping write side"); if (dup2(fdChild, STDIN_FILENO) == -1) throw SysError("dupping read side"); close(fdSocket); close(fdChild); execlp(worker.c_str(), worker.c_str(), "--slave", NULL); throw SysError(format("executing `%1%'") % worker); } catch (std::exception & e) { std::cerr << format("child error: %1%\n") % e.what(); } quickExit(1); } fdChild.close(); } void RemoteStore::connectToDaemon() { fdSocket = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fdSocket == -1) throw SysError("cannot create Unix domain socket"); string socketPath = nixStateDir + DEFAULT_SOCKET_PATH; /* Urgh, sockaddr_un allows path names of only 108 characters. So chdir to the socket directory so that we can pass a relative path name. !!! this is probably a bad idea in multi-threaded applications... */ AutoCloseFD fdPrevDir = open(".", O_RDONLY); if (fdPrevDir == -1) throw SysError("couldn't open current directory"); chdir(dirOf(socketPath).c_str()); Path socketPathRel = "./" + baseNameOf(socketPath); struct sockaddr_un addr; addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; if (socketPathRel.size() >= sizeof(addr.sun_path)) throw Error(format("socket path `%1%' is too long") % socketPathRel); using namespace std; strcpy(addr.sun_path, socketPathRel.c_str()); if (connect(fdSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1) throw SysError(format("cannot connect to daemon at `%1%'") % socketPath); if (fchdir(fdPrevDir) == -1) throw SysError("couldn't change back to previous directory"); } RemoteStore::~RemoteStore() { try { to.flush(); fdSocket.close(); if (child != -1) child.wait(true); } catch (...) { ignoreException(); } } void RemoteStore::setOptions() { writeInt(wopSetOptions, to); writeInt(keepFailed, to); writeInt(keepGoing, to); writeInt(tryFallback, to); writeInt(verbosity, to); writeInt(maxBuildJobs, to); writeInt(maxSilentTime, to); if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(daemonVersion) >= 2) writeInt(useBuildHook, to); if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(daemonVersion) >= 4) { writeInt(buildVerbosity, to); writeInt(logType, to); writeInt(printBuildTrace, to); } if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(daemonVersion) >= 6) writeInt(buildCores, to); if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(daemonVersion) >= 10) writeInt(queryBoolSetting("build-use-substitutes", true), to); processStderr(); } bool RemoteStore::isValidPath(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopIsValidPath, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); unsigned int reply = readInt(from); return reply != 0; } PathSet RemoteStore::queryValidPaths() { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryValidPaths, to); processStderr(); return readStorePaths(from); } bool RemoteStore::hasSubstitutes(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopHasSubstitutes, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); unsigned int reply = readInt(from); return reply != 0; } bool RemoteStore::querySubstitutablePathInfo(const Path & path, SubstitutablePathInfo & info) { openConnection(); if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(daemonVersion) < 3) return false; writeInt(wopQuerySubstitutablePathInfo, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); unsigned int reply = readInt(from); if (reply == 0) return false; info.deriver = readString(from); if (info.deriver != "") assertStorePath(info.deriver); info.references = readStorePaths(from); info.downloadSize = readLongLong(from); info.narSize = GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(daemonVersion) >= 7 ? readLongLong(from) : 0; return true; } ValidPathInfo RemoteStore::queryPathInfo(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryPathInfo, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); ValidPathInfo info; info.path = path; info.deriver = readString(from); if (info.deriver != "") assertStorePath(info.deriver); info.hash = parseHash(htSHA256, readString(from)); info.references = readStorePaths(from); info.registrationTime = readInt(from); info.narSize = readLongLong(from); return info; } Hash RemoteStore::queryPathHash(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryPathHash, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); string hash = readString(from); return parseHash(htSHA256, hash); } void RemoteStore::queryReferences(const Path & path, PathSet & references) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryReferences, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); PathSet references2 = readStorePaths(from); references.insert(references2.begin(), references2.end()); } void RemoteStore::queryReferrers(const Path & path, PathSet & referrers) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryReferrers, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); PathSet referrers2 = readStorePaths(from); referrers.insert(referrers2.begin(), referrers2.end()); } Path RemoteStore::queryDeriver(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryDeriver, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); Path drvPath = readString(from); if (drvPath != "") assertStorePath(drvPath); return drvPath; } PathSet RemoteStore::queryDerivationOutputs(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryDerivationOutputs, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); return readStorePaths(from); } PathSet RemoteStore::queryDerivationOutputNames(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryDerivationOutputNames, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); return readStrings(from); } Path RemoteStore::queryPathFromHashPart(const string & hashPart) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryPathFromHashPart, to); writeString(hashPart, to); processStderr(); Path path = readString(from); if (!path.empty()) assertStorePath(path); return path; } Path RemoteStore::addToStore(const Path & _srcPath, bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo, PathFilter & filter) { openConnection(); Path srcPath(absPath(_srcPath)); writeInt(wopAddToStore, to); writeString(baseNameOf(srcPath), to); /* backwards compatibility hack */ writeInt((hashAlgo == htSHA256 && recursive) ? 0 : 1, to); writeInt(recursive ? 1 : 0, to); writeString(printHashType(hashAlgo), to); dumpPath(srcPath, to, filter); processStderr(); return readStorePath(from); } Path RemoteStore::addTextToStore(const string & name, const string & s, const PathSet & references) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopAddTextToStore, to); writeString(name, to); writeString(s, to); writeStrings(references, to); processStderr(); return readStorePath(from); } void RemoteStore::exportPath(const Path & path, bool sign, Sink & sink) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopExportPath, to); writeString(path, to); writeInt(sign ? 1 : 0, to); processStderr(&sink); /* sink receives the actual data */ readInt(from); } Paths RemoteStore::importPaths(bool requireSignature, Source & source) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopImportPaths, to); /* We ignore requireSignature, since the worker forces it to true anyway. */ processStderr(0, &source); return readStorePaths(from); } void RemoteStore::buildPaths(const PathSet & drvPaths) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopBuildPaths, to); writeStrings(drvPaths, to); processStderr(); readInt(from); } void RemoteStore::ensurePath(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopEnsurePath, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); readInt(from); } void RemoteStore::addTempRoot(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopAddTempRoot, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); readInt(from); } void RemoteStore::addIndirectRoot(const Path & path) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopAddIndirectRoot, to); writeString(path, to); processStderr(); readInt(from); } void RemoteStore::syncWithGC() { openConnection(); writeInt(wopSyncWithGC, to); processStderr(); readInt(from); } Roots RemoteStore::findRoots() { openConnection(); writeInt(wopFindRoots, to); processStderr(); unsigned int count = readInt(from); Roots result; while (count--) { Path link = readString(from); Path target = readStorePath(from); result[link] = target; } return result; } void RemoteStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results) { openConnection(false); writeInt(wopCollectGarbage, to); writeInt(options.action, to); writeStrings(options.pathsToDelete, to); writeInt(options.ignoreLiveness, to); writeLongLong(options.maxFreed, to); writeInt(0, to); if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(daemonVersion) >= 5) { /* removed options */ writeInt(0, to); writeInt(0, to); } processStderr(); results.paths = readStrings(from); results.bytesFreed = readLongLong(from); readLongLong(from); // obsolete } PathSet RemoteStore::queryFailedPaths() { openConnection(); writeInt(wopQueryFailedPaths, to); processStderr(); return readStorePaths(from); } void RemoteStore::clearFailedPaths(const PathSet & paths) { openConnection(); writeInt(wopClearFailedPaths, to); writeStrings(paths, to); processStderr(); readInt(from); } void RemoteStore::processStderr(Sink * sink, Source * source) { to.flush(); unsigned int msg; while ((msg = readInt(from)) == STDERR_NEXT || msg == STDERR_READ || msg == STDERR_WRITE) { if (msg == STDERR_WRITE) { string s = readString(from); if (!sink) throw Error("no sink"); (*sink)((const unsigned char *) s.data(), s.size()); } else if (msg == STDERR_READ) { if (!source) throw Error("no source"); size_t len = readInt(from); unsigned char * buf = new unsigned char[len]; AutoDeleteArray d(buf); writeString(buf, source->read(buf, len), to); to.flush(); } else { string s = readString(from); writeToStderr((const unsigned char *) s.data(), s.size()); } } if (msg == STDERR_ERROR) { string error = readString(from); unsigned int status = GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(daemonVersion) >= 8 ? readInt(from) : 1; throw Error(format("%1%") % error, status); } else if (msg != STDERR_LAST) throw Error("protocol error processing standard error"); } }