#include "serialise.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "remote-store.hh" #include "worker-protocol.hh" #include "archive.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> namespace nix { RemoteStore::RemoteStore() { toChild.create(); fromChild.create(); /* Start the worker. */ string worker = "nix-worker"; child = fork(); switch (child) { case -1: throw SysError("unable to fork"); case 0: try { /* child */ fromChild.readSide.close(); if (dup2(fromChild.writeSide, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) throw SysError("dupping write side"); toChild.writeSide.close(); if (dup2(toChild.readSide, STDIN_FILENO) == -1) throw SysError("dupping read side"); execlp(worker.c_str(), worker.c_str(), "--slave", NULL); throw SysError(format("executing `%1%'") % worker); } catch (std::exception & e) { std::cerr << format("child error: %1%\n") % e.what(); } quickExit(1); } fromChild.writeSide.close(); toChild.readSide.close(); from.fd = fromChild.readSide; to.fd = toChild.writeSide; /* Send the magic greeting, check for the reply. */ writeInt(WORKER_MAGIC_1, to); unsigned int magic = readInt(from); if (magic != WORKER_MAGIC_2) throw Error("protocol mismatch"); } RemoteStore::~RemoteStore() { writeInt(wopQuit, to); readInt(from); child.wait(true); } bool RemoteStore::isValidPath(const Path & path) { writeInt(wopIsValidPath, to); writeString(path, to); unsigned int reply = readInt(from); return reply != 0; } Substitutes RemoteStore::querySubstitutes(const Path & path) { throw Error("not implemented 2"); } bool RemoteStore::hasSubstitutes(const Path & path) { writeInt(wopHasSubstitutes, to); writeString(path, to); unsigned int reply = readInt(from); return reply != 0; } Hash RemoteStore::queryPathHash(const Path & path) { throw Error("not implemented 3"); } void RemoteStore::queryReferences(const Path & path, PathSet & references) { writeInt(wopQueryReferences, to); writeString(path, to); PathSet references2 = readStringSet(from); references.insert(references2.begin(), references2.end()); } void RemoteStore::queryReferrers(const Path & path, PathSet & referrers) { writeInt(wopQueryReferrers, to); writeString(path, to); PathSet referrers2 = readStringSet(from); referrers.insert(referrers2.begin(), referrers2.end()); } Path RemoteStore::addToStore(const Path & srcPath) { if (readOnlyMode) { /* No sense in making a round trip, we can just compute the path here. */ return computeStorePathForPath(false, false, "", srcPath).first; } writeInt(wopAddToStore, to); writeString(baseNameOf(srcPath), to); dumpPath(srcPath, to); Path path = readString(from); return path; } Path RemoteStore::addToStoreFixed(bool recursive, string hashAlgo, const Path & srcPath) { if (readOnlyMode) { /* No sense in making a round trip, we can just compute the path here. */ return computeStorePathForPath(true, recursive, hashAlgo, srcPath).first; } writeInt(wopAddToStoreFixed, to); writeString(baseNameOf(srcPath), to); writeInt(recursive ? 1 : 0, to); writeString(hashAlgo, to); dumpPath(srcPath, to); Path path = readString(from); return path; } Path RemoteStore::addTextToStore(const string & suffix, const string & s, const PathSet & references) { if (readOnlyMode) { return computeStorePathForText(suffix, s); } writeInt(wopAddTextToStore, to); writeString(suffix, to); writeString(s, to); writeStringSet(references, to); Path path = readString(from); return path; } void RemoteStore::buildDerivations(const PathSet & drvPaths) { writeInt(wopBuildDerivations, to); writeStringSet(drvPaths, to); readInt(from); } void RemoteStore::ensurePath(const Path & path) { writeInt(wopEnsurePath, to); writeString(path, to); readInt(from); } }