#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh" #include "sync.hh" #include "sqlite.hh" #include namespace nix { static const char * schema = R"sql( create table if not exists BinaryCaches ( id integer primary key autoincrement not null, url text unique not null, timestamp integer not null, storeDir text not null, wantMassQuery integer not null, priority integer not null ); create table if not exists NARs ( cache integer not null, hashPart text not null, namePart text, url text, compression text, fileHash text, fileSize integer, narHash text, narSize integer, refs text, deriver text, sigs text, timestamp integer not null, present integer not null, primary key (cache, hashPart), foreign key (cache) references BinaryCaches(id) on delete cascade ); )sql"; class NarInfoDiskCacheImpl : public NarInfoDiskCache { public: /* How long negative lookups are valid. */ const int ttlNegative = 3600; struct Cache { int id; Path storeDir; bool wantMassQuery; int priority; }; struct State { SQLite db; SQLiteStmt insertCache, queryCache, insertNAR, insertMissingNAR, queryNAR; std::map caches; }; Sync _state; NarInfoDiskCacheImpl() { auto state(_state.lock()); Path dbPath = getCacheDir() + "/nix/binary-cache-v5.sqlite"; createDirs(dirOf(dbPath)); state->db = SQLite(dbPath); if (sqlite3_busy_timeout(state->db, 60 * 60 * 1000) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(state->db, "setting timeout"); // We can always reproduce the cache. state->db.exec("pragma synchronous = off"); state->db.exec("pragma main.journal_mode = truncate"); state->db.exec(schema); state->insertCache.create(state->db, "insert or replace into BinaryCaches(url, timestamp, storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); state->queryCache.create(state->db, "select id, storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority from BinaryCaches where url = ?"); state->insertNAR.create(state->db, "insert or replace into NARs(cache, hashPart, namePart, url, compression, fileHash, fileSize, narHash, " "narSize, refs, deriver, sigs, timestamp, present) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1)"); state->insertMissingNAR.create(state->db, "insert or replace into NARs(cache, hashPart, timestamp, present) values (?, ?, ?, 0)"); state->queryNAR.create(state->db, "select * from NARs where cache = ? and hashPart = ?"); } Cache & getCache(State & state, const std::string & uri) { auto i = state.caches.find(uri); if (i == state.caches.end()) abort(); return i->second; } void createCache(const std::string & uri, const Path & storeDir, bool wantMassQuery, int priority) override { auto state(_state.lock()); // FIXME: race state->insertCache.use()(uri)(time(0))(storeDir)(wantMassQuery)(priority).exec(); assert(sqlite3_changes(state->db) == 1); state->caches[uri] = Cache{(int) sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(state->db), storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority}; } bool cacheExists(const std::string & uri, bool & wantMassQuery, int & priority) override { auto state(_state.lock()); auto i = state->caches.find(uri); if (i == state->caches.end()) { auto queryCache(state->queryCache.use()(uri)); if (!queryCache.next()) return false; state->caches.emplace(uri, Cache{(int) queryCache.getInt(0), queryCache.getStr(1), queryCache.getInt(2) != 0, (int) queryCache.getInt(3)}); } auto & cache(getCache(*state, uri)); wantMassQuery = cache.wantMassQuery; priority = cache.priority; return true; } std::pair> lookupNarInfo( const std::string & uri, const std::string & hashPart) override { auto state(_state.lock()); auto & cache(getCache(*state, uri)); auto queryNAR(state->queryNAR.use()(cache.id)(hashPart)); if (!queryNAR.next()) return {oUnknown, 0}; if (!queryNAR.getInt(13)) return {oInvalid, 0}; auto narInfo = make_ref(); // FIXME: implement TTL. auto namePart = queryNAR.getStr(2); narInfo->path = cache.storeDir + "/" + hashPart + (namePart.empty() ? "" : "-" + namePart); narInfo->url = queryNAR.getStr(3); narInfo->compression = queryNAR.getStr(4); if (!queryNAR.isNull(5)) narInfo->fileHash = parseHash(queryNAR.getStr(5)); narInfo->fileSize = queryNAR.getInt(6); narInfo->narHash = parseHash(queryNAR.getStr(7)); narInfo->narSize = queryNAR.getInt(8); for (auto & r : tokenizeString(queryNAR.getStr(9), " ")) narInfo->references.insert(cache.storeDir + "/" + r); if (!queryNAR.isNull(10)) narInfo->deriver = cache.storeDir + "/" + queryNAR.getStr(10); for (auto & sig : tokenizeString(queryNAR.getStr(11), " ")) narInfo->sigs.insert(sig); return {oValid, narInfo}; } void upsertNarInfo( const std::string & uri, const std::string & hashPart, std::shared_ptr info) override { auto state(_state.lock()); auto & cache(getCache(*state, uri)); if (info) { auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(info); assert(hashPart == storePathToHash(info->path)); state->insertNAR.use() (cache.id) (hashPart) (storePathToName(info->path)) (narInfo ? narInfo->url : "", narInfo != 0) (narInfo ? narInfo->compression : "", narInfo != 0) (narInfo && narInfo->fileHash ? narInfo->fileHash.to_string() : "", narInfo && narInfo->fileHash) (narInfo ? narInfo->fileSize : 0, narInfo != 0 && narInfo->fileSize) (info->narHash.to_string()) (info->narSize) (concatStringsSep(" ", info->shortRefs())) (info->deriver != "" ? baseNameOf(info->deriver) : "", info->deriver != "") (concatStringsSep(" ", info->sigs)) (time(0)).exec(); } else { state->insertMissingNAR.use() (cache.id) (hashPart) (time(0)).exec(); } } }; ref getNarInfoDiskCache() { static Sync> cache; auto cache_(cache.lock()); if (!*cache_) *cache_ = std::make_shared(); return ref(*cache_); } }