#include "binary-cache-store.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh" namespace nix { class LocalBinaryCacheStore : public BinaryCacheStore { private: Path binaryCacheDir; public: LocalBinaryCacheStore( const StoreParams & params, const Path & binaryCacheDir) : BinaryCacheStore(params) , binaryCacheDir(binaryCacheDir) { /* For testing the NAR info cache. */ if (getEnv("_NIX_CACHE_FILE_URLS") == "1") diskCache = getNarInfoDiskCache(); } void init() override; std::string getUri() override { return "file://" + binaryCacheDir; } protected: bool fileExists(const std::string & path) override; void upsertFile(const std::string & path, const std::string & data) override; std::shared_ptr getFile(const std::string & path) override; PathSet queryAllValidPaths() override { PathSet paths; for (auto & entry : readDirectory(binaryCacheDir)) { if (entry.name.size() != 40 || !hasSuffix(entry.name, ".narinfo")) continue; paths.insert(settings.nixStore + "/" + entry.name.substr(0, entry.name.size() - 8)); } return paths; } }; void LocalBinaryCacheStore::init() { createDirs(binaryCacheDir + "/nar"); BinaryCacheStore::init(); if (diskCache && !diskCache->cacheExists(getUri())) diskCache->createCache(getUri(), wantMassQuery_, priority); } static void atomicWrite(const Path & path, const std::string & s) { Path tmp = path + ".tmp." + std::to_string(getpid()); AutoDelete del(tmp, false); writeFile(tmp, s); if (rename(tmp.c_str(), path.c_str())) throw SysError(format("renaming ‘%1%’ to ‘%2%’") % tmp % path); del.cancel(); } bool LocalBinaryCacheStore::fileExists(const std::string & path) { return pathExists(binaryCacheDir + "/" + path); } void LocalBinaryCacheStore::upsertFile(const std::string & path, const std::string & data) { atomicWrite(binaryCacheDir + "/" + path, data); } std::shared_ptr LocalBinaryCacheStore::getFile(const std::string & path) { try { return std::make_shared(readFile(binaryCacheDir + "/" + path)); } catch (SysError & e) { if (e.errNo == ENOENT) return 0; throw; } } static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore([]( const std::string & uri, const StoreParams & params) -> std::shared_ptr { if (std::string(uri, 0, 7) != "file://") return 0; auto store = std::make_shared(params, std::string(uri, 7)); store->init(); return store; }); }