#include "binary-cache-store.hh" #include "download.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh" #include "retry.hh" namespace nix { MakeError(UploadToHTTP, Error); class HttpBinaryCacheStore : public BinaryCacheStore { private: Path cacheUri; struct State { bool enabled = true; std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point disabledUntil; }; Sync _state; public: HttpBinaryCacheStore( const Params & params, const Path & _cacheUri) : BinaryCacheStore(params) , cacheUri(_cacheUri) { if (cacheUri.back() == '/') cacheUri.pop_back(); diskCache = getNarInfoDiskCache(); } std::string getUri() override { return cacheUri; } void init() override { // FIXME: do this lazily? if (!diskCache->cacheExists(cacheUri, wantMassQuery_, priority)) { try { BinaryCacheStore::init(); } catch (UploadToHTTP &) { throw Error("'%s' does not appear to be a binary cache", cacheUri); } diskCache->createCache(cacheUri, storeDir, wantMassQuery_, priority); } } protected: void maybeDisable() { auto state(_state.lock()); if (state->enabled && settings.tryFallback) { int t = 60; printError("disabling binary cache '%s' for %s seconds", getUri(), t); state->enabled = false; state->disabledUntil = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(t); } } void checkEnabled() { auto state(_state.lock()); if (state->enabled) return; if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() > state->disabledUntil) { state->enabled = true; debug("re-enabling binary cache '%s'", getUri()); return; } throw SubstituterDisabled("substituter '%s' is disabled", getUri()); } bool fileExists(const std::string & path) override { checkEnabled(); try { DownloadRequest request(cacheUri + "/" + path); request.head = true; request.tries = 5; getDownloader()->download(request); return true; } catch (DownloadError & e) { /* S3 buckets return 403 if a file doesn't exist and the bucket is unlistable, so treat 403 as 404. */ if (e.error == Downloader::NotFound || e.error == Downloader::Forbidden) return false; maybeDisable(); throw; } } void upsertFile(const std::string & path, const std::string & data, const std::string & mimeType) override { auto req = DownloadRequest(cacheUri + "/" + path); req.data = std::make_shared(data); // FIXME: inefficient req.mimeType = mimeType; try { getDownloader()->download(req); } catch (DownloadError & e) { throw UploadToHTTP("while uploading to HTTP binary cache at '%s': %s", cacheUri, e.msg()); } } DownloadRequest makeRequest(const std::string & path) { DownloadRequest request(cacheUri + "/" + path); return request; } void getFile(const std::string & path, Sink & sink) override { checkEnabled(); auto request(makeRequest(path)); try { getDownloader()->download(std::move(request), sink); } catch (DownloadError & e) { if (e.error == Downloader::NotFound || e.error == Downloader::Forbidden) throw NoSuchBinaryCacheFile("file '%s' does not exist in binary cache '%s'", path, getUri()); maybeDisable(); throw; } } void getFile(const std::string & path, Callback> callback) override { checkEnabled(); struct State { DownloadRequest request; std::function tryDownload; unsigned int attempt = 0; State(DownloadRequest && request) : request(request) {} }; auto state = std::make_shared(makeRequest(path)); state->tryDownload = [callback, state, this]() { getDownloader()->enqueueDownload(state->request, {[callback, state, this](std::future result) { try { callback(result.get().data); } catch (DownloadError & e) { if (e.error == Downloader::NotFound || e.error == Downloader::Forbidden) return callback(std::shared_ptr()); ++state->attempt; if (state->attempt < state->request.tries && e.isTransient()) { auto ms = retrySleepTime(state->attempt); warn("%s; retrying in %d ms", e.what(), ms); /* We can't sleep here because that would block the download thread. So use a separate thread for sleeping. */ std::thread([state, ms]() { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(ms)); state->tryDownload(); }).detach(); } else { maybeDisable(); callback.rethrow(); } } catch (...) { callback.rethrow(); } }}); }; state->tryDownload(); } }; static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore([]( const std::string & uri, const Store::Params & params) -> std::shared_ptr { if (std::string(uri, 0, 7) != "http://" && std::string(uri, 0, 8) != "https://" && (getEnv("_NIX_FORCE_HTTP_BINARY_CACHE_STORE") != "1" || std::string(uri, 0, 7) != "file://") ) return 0; auto store = std::make_shared(params, uri); store->init(); return store; }); }