#include "nixexpr.hh" #include "storeexpr.hh" ATermMap::ATermMap(unsigned int initialSize, unsigned int maxLoadPct) { this->maxLoadPct = maxLoadPct; table = ATtableCreate(initialSize, maxLoadPct); if (!table) throw Error("cannot create ATerm table"); } ATermMap::ATermMap(const ATermMap & map) : table(0) { ATermList keys = map.keys(); /* !!! adjust allocation for load pct */ maxLoadPct = map.maxLoadPct; table = ATtableCreate(ATgetLength(keys), maxLoadPct); if (!table) throw Error("cannot create ATerm table"); add(map, keys); } ATermMap::~ATermMap() { if (table) ATtableDestroy(table); } void ATermMap::set(ATerm key, ATerm value) { return ATtablePut(table, key, value); } void ATermMap::set(const string & key, ATerm value) { set(string2ATerm(key), value); } ATerm ATermMap::get(ATerm key) const { return ATtableGet(table, key); } ATerm ATermMap::get(const string & key) const { return get(string2ATerm(key)); } void ATermMap::remove(ATerm key) { ATtableRemove(table, key); } void ATermMap::remove(const string & key) { remove(string2ATerm(key)); } ATermList ATermMap::keys() const { ATermList keys = ATtableKeys(table); if (!keys) throw Error("cannot query aterm map keys"); return keys; } void ATermMap::add(const ATermMap & map) { ATermList keys = map.keys(); add(map, keys); } void ATermMap::add(const ATermMap & map, ATermList & keys) { for (ATermIterator i(keys); i; ++i) set(*i, map.get(*i)); } void ATermMap::reset() { ATtableReset(table); } ATerm string2ATerm(const string & s) { return (ATerm) ATmakeAppl0(ATmakeAFun((char *) s.c_str(), 0, ATtrue)); } string aterm2String(ATerm t) { return ATgetName(ATgetAFun(t)); } ATerm bottomupRewrite(TermFun & f, ATerm e) { checkInterrupt(); if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) { AFun fun = ATgetAFun(e); int arity = ATgetArity(fun); ATermList args = ATempty; for (int i = arity - 1; i >= 0; i--) args = ATinsert(args, bottomupRewrite(f, ATgetArgument(e, i))); e = (ATerm) ATmakeApplList(fun, args); } else if (ATgetType(e) == AT_LIST) { ATermList in = (ATermList) e; ATermList out = ATempty; for (ATermIterator i(in); i; ++i) out = ATinsert(out, bottomupRewrite(f, *i)); e = (ATerm) ATreverse(out); } return f(e); } void queryAllAttrs(Expr e, ATermMap & attrs) { ATMatcher m; ATermList bnds; if (!(atMatch(m, e) >> "Attrs" >> bnds)) throw badTerm("expected attribute set", e); for (ATermIterator i(bnds); i; ++i) { string s; Expr e; if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> s >> e)) abort(); /* can't happen */ attrs.set(s, e); } } Expr queryAttr(Expr e, const string & name) { ATermMap attrs; queryAllAttrs(e, attrs); return attrs.get(name); } Expr makeAttrs(const ATermMap & attrs) { ATermList bnds = ATempty; for (ATermIterator i(attrs.keys()); i; ++i) bnds = ATinsert(bnds, ATmake("Bind(, )", *i, attrs.get(*i))); return ATmake("Attrs()", ATreverse(bnds)); } Expr substitute(const ATermMap & subs, Expr e) { checkInterrupt(); ATMatcher m; ATerm name; /* As an optimisation, don't substitute in subterms known to be closed. */ if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Closed") return e; if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Var" >> name) { Expr sub = subs.get(name); return sub ? ATmake("Closed()", sub) : e; } /* In case of a function, filter out all variables bound by this function. */ ATermList formals; ATerm body; if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Function" >> formals >> body) { ATermMap subs2(subs); for (ATermIterator i(formals); i; ++i) { if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "NoDefFormal" >> name) && !(atMatch(m, *i) >> "DefFormal" >> name)) abort(); subs2.remove(name); } return ATmake("Function(, )", substitute(subs, (ATerm) formals), substitute(subs2, body)); } if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Function1" >> name >> body) { ATermMap subs2(subs); subs2.remove(name); return ATmake("Function1(, )", name, substitute(subs2, body)); } /* Idem for a mutually recursive attribute set. */ ATermList rbnds, nrbnds; if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Rec" >> rbnds >> nrbnds) { ATermMap subs2(subs); for (ATermIterator i(rbnds); i; ++i) if (atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> name) subs2.remove(name); else abort(); /* can't happen */ for (ATermIterator i(nrbnds); i; ++i) if (atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> name) subs2.remove(name); else abort(); /* can't happen */ return ATmake("Rec(, )", substitute(subs2, (ATerm) rbnds), substitute(subs, (ATerm) nrbnds)); } if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) { AFun fun = ATgetAFun(e); int arity = ATgetArity(fun); ATermList args = ATempty; for (int i = arity - 1; i >= 0; i--) args = ATinsert(args, substitute(subs, ATgetArgument(e, i))); return (ATerm) ATmakeApplList(fun, args); } if (ATgetType(e) == AT_LIST) { ATermList out = ATempty; for (ATermIterator i((ATermList) e); i; ++i) out = ATinsert(out, substitute(subs, *i)); return (ATerm) ATreverse(out); } return e; } void checkVarDefs(const ATermMap & defs, Expr e) { ATMatcher m; ATerm name; ATermList formals; ATerm body; ATermList rbnds, nrbnds; if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Var" >> name) { if (!defs.get(name)) throw Error(format("undefined variable `%1%'") % aterm2String(name)); } else if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Function" >> formals >> body) { ATermMap defs2(defs); for (ATermIterator i(formals); i; ++i) { Expr deflt; if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "NoDefFormal" >> name)) if (atMatch(m, *i) >> "DefFormal" >> name >> deflt) checkVarDefs(defs, deflt); else abort(); defs2.set(name, (ATerm) ATempty); } checkVarDefs(defs2, body); } else if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Function1" >> name >> body) { ATermMap defs2(defs); defs2.set(name, (ATerm) ATempty); checkVarDefs(defs2, body); } else if (atMatch(m, e) >> "Rec" >> rbnds >> nrbnds) { checkVarDefs(defs, (ATerm) nrbnds); ATermMap defs2(defs); for (ATermIterator i(rbnds); i; ++i) { if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> name)) abort(); /* can't happen */ defs2.set(name, (ATerm) ATempty); } for (ATermIterator i(nrbnds); i; ++i) { if (!(atMatch(m, *i) >> "Bind" >> name)) abort(); /* can't happen */ defs2.set(name, (ATerm) ATempty); } checkVarDefs(defs2, (ATerm) rbnds); } else if (ATgetType(e) == AT_APPL) { int arity = ATgetArity(ATgetAFun(e)); for (int i = 0; i < arity; ++i) checkVarDefs(defs, ATgetArgument(e, i)); } else if (ATgetType(e) == AT_LIST) for (ATermIterator i((ATermList) e); i; ++i) checkVarDefs(defs, *i); } Expr makeBool(bool b) { return b ? ATmake("Bool(True)") : ATmake("Bool(False)"); }