#include "expr-to-xml.hh" #include "xml-writer.hh" #include "nixexpr-ast.hh" #include "aterm.hh" #include "util.hh" #include namespace nix { static XMLAttrs singletonAttrs(const string & name, const string & value) { XMLAttrs attrs; attrs[name] = value; return attrs; } /* set is safe because all the expressions are also reachable from the stack, therefore can't be garbage-collected. */ typedef set ExprSet; static void printTermAsXML(Expr e, XMLWriter & doc, PathSet & context, ExprSet & drvsSeen, bool location); static void showAttrs(const ATermMap & attrs, XMLWriter & doc, PathSet & context, ExprSet & drvsSeen, bool location) { StringSet names; for (ATermMap::const_iterator i = attrs.begin(); i != attrs.end(); ++i) names.insert(aterm2String(i->key)); for (StringSet::iterator i = names.begin(); i != names.end(); ++i) { ATerm attrRHS = attrs.get(toATerm(*i)); ATerm attr; Pos pos; XMLAttrs xmlAttrs; xmlAttrs["name"] = *i; if(matchAttrRHS(attrRHS, attr, pos)) { ATerm path; int line, column; if (location && matchPos(pos, path, line, column)) { xmlAttrs["path"] = aterm2String(path); xmlAttrs["line"] = (format("%1%") % line).str(); xmlAttrs["column"] = (format("%1%") % column).str(); } } else abort(); // Should not happen. XMLOpenElement _(doc, "attr", xmlAttrs); printTermAsXML(attr, doc, context, drvsSeen, location); } } static void printPatternAsXML(Pattern pat, XMLWriter & doc) { ATerm name; ATermList formals; Pattern pat1, pat2; ATermBool ellipsis; if (matchVarPat(pat, name)) doc.writeEmptyElement("varpat", singletonAttrs("name", aterm2String(name))); else if (matchAttrsPat(pat, formals, ellipsis)) { XMLOpenElement _(doc, "attrspat"); for (ATermIterator i(formals); i; ++i) { Expr name; ATerm dummy; if (!matchFormal(*i, name, dummy)) abort(); doc.writeEmptyElement("attr", singletonAttrs("name", aterm2String(name))); } if (ellipsis == eTrue) doc.writeEmptyElement("ellipsis"); } else if (matchAtPat(pat, pat1, pat2)) { XMLOpenElement _(doc, "at"); printPatternAsXML(pat1, doc); printPatternAsXML(pat2, doc); } } static void printTermAsXML(Expr e, XMLWriter & doc, PathSet & context, ExprSet & drvsSeen, bool location) { XMLAttrs attrs; string s; ATerm s2; int i; ATermList as, es; ATerm pat, body, pos; checkInterrupt(); if (matchStr(e, s, context)) /* !!! show the context? */ doc.writeEmptyElement("string", singletonAttrs("value", s)); else if (matchPath(e, s2)) doc.writeEmptyElement("path", singletonAttrs("value", aterm2String(s2))); else if (matchNull(e)) doc.writeEmptyElement("null"); else if (matchInt(e, i)) doc.writeEmptyElement("int", singletonAttrs("value", (format("%1%") % i).str())); else if (e == eTrue) doc.writeEmptyElement("bool", singletonAttrs("value", "true")); else if (e == eFalse) doc.writeEmptyElement("bool", singletonAttrs("value", "false")); else if (matchAttrs(e, as)) { ATermMap attrs; queryAllAttrs(e, attrs, true); Expr aRHS = attrs.get(toATerm("type")); Expr a = NULL; if (aRHS) matchAttrRHS(aRHS, a, pos); if (a && matchStr(a, s, context) && s == "derivation") { XMLAttrs xmlAttrs; Path outPath, drvPath; aRHS = attrs.get(toATerm("drvPath")); matchAttrRHS(aRHS, a, pos); if (matchStr(a, drvPath, context)) xmlAttrs["drvPath"] = drvPath; aRHS = attrs.get(toATerm("outPath")); matchAttrRHS(aRHS, a, pos); if (matchStr(a, outPath, context)) xmlAttrs["outPath"] = outPath; XMLOpenElement _(doc, "derivation", xmlAttrs); if (drvsSeen.find(e) == drvsSeen.end()) { drvsSeen.insert(e); showAttrs(attrs, doc, context, drvsSeen, location); } else doc.writeEmptyElement("repeated"); } else { XMLOpenElement _(doc, "attrs"); showAttrs(attrs, doc, context, drvsSeen, location); } } else if (matchList(e, es)) { XMLOpenElement _(doc, "list"); for (ATermIterator i(es); i; ++i) printTermAsXML(*i, doc, context, drvsSeen, location); } else if (matchFunction(e, pat, body, pos)) { ATerm path; int line, column; XMLAttrs xmlAttrs; if (location && matchPos(pos, path, line, column)) { xmlAttrs["path"] = aterm2String(path); xmlAttrs["line"] = (format("%1%") % line).str(); xmlAttrs["column"] = (format("%1%") % column).str(); } XMLOpenElement _(doc, "function", xmlAttrs); printPatternAsXML(pat, doc); } else doc.writeEmptyElement("unevaluated"); } void printTermAsXML(Expr e, std::ostream & out, PathSet & context, bool location) { XMLWriter doc(true, out); XMLOpenElement root(doc, "expr"); ExprSet drvsSeen; printTermAsXML(e, doc, context, drvsSeen, location); } }