#include "nixexpr.hh" #include "parser.hh" #include "hash.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "nixexpr-ast.hh" #include #include using namespace nix; void doTest(string s) { EvalState state; Expr e = parseExprFromString(state, s, "/"); printMsg(lvlError, format(">>>>> %1%") % e); Value v; state.strictEval(e, v); printMsg(lvlError, format("result: %1%") % v); } void run(Strings args) { printMsg(lvlError, format("size of value: %1% bytes") % sizeof(Value)); doTest("123"); doTest("{ x = 1; y = 2; }"); doTest("{ x = 1; y = 2; }.y"); doTest("rec { x = 1; y = x; }.y"); doTest("(x: x) 1"); doTest("(x: y: y) 1 2"); doTest("x: x"); doTest("({x, y}: x) { x = 1; y = 2; }"); doTest("({x, y}@args: args.x) { x = 1; y = 2; }"); doTest("(args@{x, y}: args.x) { x = 1; y = 2; }"); doTest("({x ? 1}: x) { }"); doTest("({x ? 1, y ? x}: y) { x = 2; }"); doTest("({x, y, ...}: x) { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3; }"); doTest("({x, y, ...}@args: args.z) { x = 1; y = 2; z = 3; }"); //doTest("({x ? y, y ? x}: y) { }"); doTest("let x = 1; in x"); doTest("with { x = 1; }; x"); doTest("let x = 2; in with { x = 1; }; x"); // => 2 doTest("with { x = 1; }; with { x = 2; }; x"); // => 1 doTest("[ 1 2 3 ]"); doTest("[ 1 2 ] ++ [ 3 4 5 ]"); doTest("123 == 123"); doTest("123 == 456"); doTest("let id = x: x; in [1 2] == [(id 1) (id 2)]"); doTest("let id = x: x; in [1 2] == [(id 1) (id 3)]"); doTest("[1 2] == [3 (let x = x; in x)]"); doTest("{ x = 1; y.z = 2; } == { y = { z = 2; }; x = 1; }"); doTest("{ x = 1; y = 2; } == { x = 2; }"); doTest("{ x = [ 1 2 ]; } == { x = [ 1 ] ++ [ 2 ]; }"); doTest("1 != 1"); doTest("true"); doTest("true == false"); doTest("__head [ 1 2 3 ]"); doTest("__add 1 2"); doTest("null"); doTest("\"foo\""); doTest("let s = \"bar\"; in \"foo${s}\""); doTest("if true then 1 else 2"); doTest("if false then 1 else 2"); doTest("if false || true then 1 else 2"); doTest("let x = x; in if true || x then 1 else 2"); } void printHelp() { } string programId = "eval-test";