//! This module implements the database connection actor. use actix::prelude::*; use diesel; use diesel::prelude::*; use diesel::r2d2::{Pool, ConnectionManager}; use models::*; use errors::{ConverseError, Result}; /// The DB actor itself. Several of these will be run in parallel by /// `SyncArbiter`. pub struct DbExecutor(pub Pool>); impl Actor for DbExecutor { type Context = SyncContext; } /// Message used to request a list of threads. /// TODO: This should support page numbers. pub struct ListThreads; impl Message for ListThreads { type Result = Result>; } impl Handler for DbExecutor { type Result = ::Result; fn handle(&mut self, _: ListThreads, _: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { use schema::threads::dsl::*; let conn = self.0.get()?; let results = threads .order(posted.desc()) .load::(&conn)?; Ok(results) } } /// Message used to fetch a specific thread. Returns the thread and /// its posts. pub struct GetThread(pub i32); impl Message for GetThread { type Result = Result<(Thread, Vec)>; } impl Handler for DbExecutor { type Result = ::Result; fn handle(&mut self, msg: GetThread, _: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { use schema::threads::dsl::*; let conn = self.0.get()?; let thread_result: Thread = threads .find(msg.0).first(&conn)?; let post_list = Post::belonging_to(&thread_result).load::(&conn)?; Ok((thread_result, post_list)) } } /// Message used to create a new thread pub struct CreateThread { pub new_thread: NewThread, pub body: String, } impl Message for CreateThread { type Result = Result; } impl Handler for DbExecutor { type Result = ::Result; fn handle(&mut self, msg: CreateThread, _: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { use schema::threads; use schema::posts; let conn = self.0.get()?; conn.transaction::(|| { // First insert the thread structure itself let thread: Thread = diesel::insert_into(threads::table) .values(&msg.new_thread) .get_result(&conn)?; // ... then create the first post in the thread. let new_post = NewPost { thread_id: thread.id, body: msg.body, author_name: msg.new_thread.author_name.clone(), author_email: msg.new_thread.author_email.clone(), }; diesel::insert_into(posts::table) .values(&new_post) .execute(&conn)?; Ok(thread) }) } } /// Message used to create a new reply pub struct CreatePost(pub NewPost); impl Message for CreatePost { type Result = Result; } impl Handler for DbExecutor { type Result = ::Result; fn handle(&mut self, msg: CreatePost, _: &mut Self::Context) -> Self::Result { use schema::posts; let conn = self.0.get()?; Ok(diesel::insert_into(posts::table) .values(&msg.0) .get_result(&conn)?) } }