{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Xanthous.Generators.Dungeon ( Params(..) , defaultParams , parseParams , generate ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Xanthous.Prelude hiding ((:>)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Control.Monad.Random import Data.Array.ST import Data.Array.IArray (amap) import Data.Stream.Infinite (Stream(..)) import qualified Data.Stream.Infinite as Stream import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Linear.V2 import Linear.Metric import qualified Options.Applicative as Opt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Xanthous.Random import Xanthous.Data hiding (x, y, _x, _y, edges) import Xanthous.Generators.Util import Xanthous.Util.Graphics (delaunay, straightLine) import Xanthous.Util.Graph (mstSubGraph) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Params = Params { _numRoomsRange :: (Word, Word) , _roomDimensionRange :: (Word, Word) , _connectednessRatioRange :: (Double, Double) } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic) makeLenses ''Params defaultParams :: Params defaultParams = Params { _numRoomsRange = (6, 8) , _roomDimensionRange = (3, 12) , _connectednessRatioRange = (0.1, 0.15) } parseParams :: Opt.Parser Params parseParams = Params <$> parseRange "num-rooms" "number of rooms to generate in the dungeon" "ROOMS" (defaultParams ^. numRoomsRange) <*> parseRange "room-size" "size in tiles of one of the sides of a room" "TILES" (defaultParams ^. roomDimensionRange) <*> parseRange "connectedness-ratio" ( "ratio of edges from the delaunay triangulation to re-add to the " <> "minimum-spanning-tree") "RATIO" (defaultParams ^. connectednessRatioRange) <**> Opt.helper where parseRange name desc metavar (defMin, defMax) = (,) <$> Opt.option Opt.auto ( Opt.long ("min-" <> name) <> Opt.value defMin <> Opt.showDefault <> Opt.help ("Minimum " <> desc) <> Opt.metavar metavar ) <*> Opt.option Opt.auto ( Opt.long ("max-" <> name) <> Opt.value defMax <> Opt.showDefault <> Opt.help ("Maximum " <> desc) <> Opt.metavar metavar ) generate :: RandomGen g => Params -> Dimensions -> g -> Cells generate params dims gen = amap not $ runSTUArray $ fmap fst $ flip runRandT gen $ generate' params dims -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- generate' :: RandomGen g => Params -> Dimensions -> CellM g s (MCells s) generate' params dims = do cells <- initializeEmpty dims rooms <- genRooms params dims for_ rooms $ fillRoom cells let fullRoomGraph = delaunayRoomGraph rooms mst = mstSubGraph fullRoomGraph mstEdges = Graph.edges mst nonMSTEdges = filter (\(n₁, n₂, _) -> (n₁, n₂) `notElem` mstEdges) $ Graph.labEdges fullRoomGraph reintroEdgeCount <- floor . (* fromIntegral (length nonMSTEdges)) <$> getRandomR (params ^. connectednessRatioRange) let reintroEdges = take reintroEdgeCount nonMSTEdges corridorGraph = Graph.insEdges reintroEdges mst corridors <- traverse ( uncurry corridorBetween . over both (fromJust . Graph.lab corridorGraph) ) $ Graph.edges corridorGraph for_ (join corridors) $ \pt -> lift $ writeArray cells pt True pure cells type Room = Box Word genRooms :: MonadRandom m => Params -> Dimensions -> m [Room] genRooms params dims = do numRooms <- fromIntegral <$> getRandomR (params ^. numRoomsRange) subRand . fmap (Stream.take numRooms . removeIntersecting []) . infinitely $ do roomWidth <- getRandomR $ params ^. roomDimensionRange roomHeight <- getRandomR $ params ^. roomDimensionRange xPos <- getRandomR (0, dims ^. width - roomWidth) yPos <- getRandomR (0, dims ^. height - roomHeight) pure Box { _topLeftCorner = V2 xPos yPos , _dimensions = V2 roomWidth roomHeight } where removeIntersecting seen (room :> rooms) | any (boxIntersects room) seen = removeIntersecting seen rooms | otherwise = room :> removeIntersecting (room : seen) rooms streamRepeat x = x :> streamRepeat x infinitely = sequence . streamRepeat delaunayRoomGraph :: [Room] -> Gr Room Double delaunayRoomGraph rooms = Graph.insEdges edges . Graph.insNodes nodes $ Graph.empty where edges = map (\((n₁, room₁), (n₂, room₂)) -> (n₁, n₂, roomDist room₁ room₂)) . over (mapped . both) snd . delaunay @Double . NE.fromList . map (\p@(_, room) -> (boxCenter $ fromIntegral <$> room, p)) $ nodes nodes = zip [0..] rooms roomDist = distance `on` (boxCenter . fmap fromIntegral) fillRoom :: MCells s -> Room -> CellM g s () fillRoom cells room = let V2 posx posy = room ^. topLeftCorner V2 dimx dimy = room ^. dimensions in for_ [posx .. posx + dimx] $ \x -> for_ [posy .. posy + dimy] $ \y -> lift $ writeArray cells (x, y) True corridorBetween :: MonadRandom m => Room -> Room -> m [(Word, Word)] corridorBetween originRoom destinationRoom = straightLine <$> origin <*> destination where origin = choose . NE.fromList . map toTuple =<< originEdge destination = choose . NE.fromList . map toTuple =<< destinationEdge originEdge = pickEdge originRoom originCorner destinationEdge = pickEdge destinationRoom destinationCorner pickEdge room corner = choose . over both (boxEdge room) $ cornerEdges corner originCorner = case ( compare (originRoom ^. topLeftCorner . _x) (destinationRoom ^. topLeftCorner . _x) , compare (originRoom ^. topLeftCorner . _y) (destinationRoom ^. topLeftCorner . _y) ) of (LT, LT) -> BottomRight (LT, GT) -> TopRight (GT, LT) -> BottomLeft (GT, GT) -> TopLeft (EQ, LT) -> BottomLeft (EQ, GT) -> TopRight (GT, EQ) -> TopLeft (LT, EQ) -> BottomRight (EQ, EQ) -> TopLeft -- should never happen destinationCorner = opposite originCorner toTuple (V2 x y) = (x, y)