{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Locales where
import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import BlogDB (BlogLang (..))
{- to add a language simply define its abbreviation and Show instance then
- translate the appropriate strings and add CouchDB views in Server.hs -}
data BlogError = NotFound | DBError
version = "3.0"
allLang = [EN, DE]
if' :: Bool -> a -> a -> a
if' True x _ = x
if' False _ y = y
blogTitle :: BlogLang -> Text -> Text
blogTitle DE s = T.concat ["Tazjins Blog", s]
blogTitle EN s = T.concat ["Tazjin's Blog", s]
-- index site headline
topText DE = "Aktuelle Einträge"
topText EN = "Latest entries"
getMonth :: BlogLang -> Int -> Int -> Text
getMonth l y m = T.append (monthName l m) $ T.pack $ show y
monthName :: BlogLang -> Int -> Text
monthName DE m = case m of
1 -> "Januar "
2 -> "Februar "
3 -> "März "
4 -> "April "
5 -> "Mai "
6 -> "Juni "
7 -> "Juli "
8 -> "August "
9 -> "September "
10 -> "Oktober "
11 -> "November "
12 -> "Dezember "
monthName EN m = case m of
1 -> "January "
2 -> "February "
3 -> "March "
4 -> "April "
5 -> "May "
6 -> "June "
7 -> "July "
8 -> "August "
9 -> "September "
10 -> "October "
11 -> "November "
12 -> "December "
entireMonth :: BlogLang -> Text
entireMonth DE = "Ganzer Monat"
entireMonth EN = "Entire month"
backText :: BlogLang -> Text
backText DE = "Früher"
backText EN = "Earlier"
nextText :: BlogLang -> Text
nextText DE = "Später"
nextText EN = "Later"
readMore :: BlogLang -> Text
readMore DE = "Weiterlesen"
readMore EN = "Read more"
-- contact information
contactText :: BlogLang -> Text
contactText DE = "Wer mich kontaktieren will: "
contactText EN = "Get in touch with me: "
orText :: BlogLang -> Text
orText DE = " oder "
orText EN = " or "
-- footer
noticeText :: BlogLang -> Text
noticeText EN = "site notice"
noticeText DE = "Impressum"
-- comments
noComments :: BlogLang -> Text
noComments DE = " Keine Kommentare"
noComments EN = " No comments yet"
cHead :: BlogLang -> Text
cHead DE = "Kommentare:"
cHead EN = "Comments:"
cwHead :: BlogLang -> Text
cwHead DE = "Kommentieren:"
cwHead EN = "Comment:"
cSingle :: BlogLang -> Text
cSingle DE = "Kommentar:" --input label
cSingle EN = "Comment:"
cTimeFormat :: BlogLang -> String --formatTime expects a String
cTimeFormat DE = "[Am %d.%m.%y um %H:%M Uhr]"
cTimeFormat EN = "[On %D at %H:%M]"
cSend :: BlogLang -> Text
cSend DE = "Absenden"
cSend EN = "Submit"
-- errors
notFoundTitle :: BlogLang -> Text
notFoundTitle DE = "Nicht gefunden"
notFoundTitle EN = "Not found"
notFoundText :: BlogLang -> Text
notFoundText DE = "Das gewünschte Objekt wurde leider nicht gefunden."
notFoundText EN = "The requested object could unfortunately not be found."
-- right side text (this is inserted AS IS. Escape HTML!)
rightText :: BlogLang -> Text
rightText DE = "English version available here."
rightText EN = "Deutsche Version hier verfügbar."
-- static information
repoURL :: Text = "https://bitbucket.org/tazjin/tazblog-haskell"
mailTo :: Text = "mailto:hej@tazj.in"
twitter :: Text = "http://twitter.com/#!/tazjin"
iMessage :: Text = "imessage:tazjin@me.com"
iMessage' :: Text = "sms:tazjin@me.com"