-- |This module implements fetching of individual blog entries from -- DNS. Yes, you read that correctly. -- -- Each blog post is stored as a set of records in a designated DNS -- zone. For the production blog, this zone is `blog.tazj.in.`. -- -- A top-level record at `_posts` contains a list of all published -- post IDs. -- -- For each of these post IDs, there is a record at `_meta.$postID` -- that contains the title and number of post chunks. -- -- For each post chunk, there is a record at `_$chunkID.$postID` that -- contains a base64-encoded post fragment. -- -- This module implements logic for assembling a post out of these -- fragments and caching it based on the TTL of its `_meta` record. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} module BlogStore( BlogCache, EntryId(..), Entry(..), withCache, listEntries, getEntry, show', ) where import Data.Aeson ((.:), FromJSON(..), Value(Object), decodeStrict) import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Monad (mzero) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO) import Data.Text as T (Text, concat, pack) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8, decodeUtf8') import Data.Time (Day) import Locales (BlogLang (..)) import Network.DNS (lookupTXT, DNSError) import qualified Network.DNS.Resolver as R import Data.ByteString.Base64 (decodeLenient) import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Either (fromRight) newtype EntryId = EntryId {unEntryId :: Integer} deriving (Eq, Ord, FromJSON) instance Show EntryId where show = show . unEntryId data Entry = Entry { entryId :: EntryId, lang :: BlogLang, author :: Text, title :: Text, btext :: Text, mtext :: Text, edate :: Day } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Wraps a DNS resolver with caching configured. For the initial -- version of this, all caching of entries is done by the resolver -- (i.e. no pre-assembled versions of entries are cached). data BlogCache = BlogCache R.Resolver Text data StoreError = PostNotFound EntryId | DNS DNSError | InvalidMetadata | InvalidChunk | InvalidPosts deriving (Show) type Offset = Int type Count = Int withCache :: Text -> (BlogCache -> IO a) -> IO a withCache zone f = do let conf = R.defaultResolvConf { R.resolvCache = Just R.defaultCacheConf , R.resolvConcurrent = True } seed <- R.makeResolvSeed conf R.withResolver seed $ (\r -> f $ BlogCache r zone) listEntries :: MonadIO m => BlogCache -> Offset -> Count -> m [Entry] listEntries cache offset count = liftIO $ do posts <- postList cache entries <- mapM (entryFromDNS cache) $ take count $ drop offset $ fromRight (error "no posts") posts -- TODO: maybe don't just drop broken entries return $ fromRight (error "no entries") $ sequence entries getEntry :: MonadIO m => BlogCache -> EntryId -> m (Maybe Entry) getEntry cache eid = liftIO $ (entryFromDNS cache eid) >>= \case Left _ -> return Nothing -- TODO: ?? Right entry -> return $ Just entry show' :: Show a => a -> Text show' = pack . show -- * DNS fetching implementation type Chunk = Integer -- | Represents the metadata stored for each post in the _meta record. data Meta = Meta Integer Text Day deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Meta where parseJSON (Object v) = Meta <$> v .: "c" <*> v .: "t" <*> v .: "d" parseJSON _ = mzero entryMetadata :: BlogCache -> EntryId -> IO (Either StoreError Meta) entryMetadata (BlogCache r z) (EntryId eid) = let domain = encodeUtf8 ("_meta." <> show' eid <> "." <> z) record = lookupTXT r domain toMeta rrdata = case decodeStrict $ decodeLenient rrdata of Nothing -> Left InvalidMetadata Just m -> Right m in record >>= \case (Left err) -> return $ Left $ DNS err (Right [ bs ]) -> return $ toMeta bs _ -> return $ Left InvalidMetadata entryChunk :: BlogCache -> EntryId -> Chunk -> IO (Either StoreError Text) entryChunk (BlogCache r z) (EntryId eid) c = let domain = encodeUtf8 ("_" <> show' c <> "." <> show' eid <> "." <> z) record = lookupTXT r domain toChunk rrdata = case decodeUtf8' $ decodeLenient rrdata of Left _ -> Left InvalidChunk Right chunk -> Right chunk in record >>= \case (Left err) -> return $ Left $ DNS err (Right [ bs ]) -> return $ toChunk bs _ -> return $ Left InvalidChunk fetchAssembleChunks :: BlogCache -> EntryId -> Meta -> IO (Either StoreError Text) fetchAssembleChunks cache eid (Meta n _ _) = do chunks <- mapM (entryChunk cache eid) [0..(n - 1)] return $ either Left (Right . T.concat) $ sequence chunks entryFromDNS :: BlogCache -> EntryId -> IO (Either StoreError Entry) entryFromDNS cache eid = do meta <- entryMetadata cache eid case meta of Left err -> return $ Left err Right meta -> do chunks <- fetchAssembleChunks cache eid meta let (Meta _ t d) = meta return $ either Left (\text -> Right $ Entry { entryId = eid, lang = EN, author = "tazjin", title = t, btext = text, mtext = "", edate = d}) chunks postList :: BlogCache -> IO (Either StoreError [EntryId]) postList (BlogCache r z) = let domain = encodeUtf8 ("_posts." <> z) record = lookupTXT r domain toPosts = fmap (sortBy (flip compare)) . sequence . map (\r -> maybe (Left InvalidPosts) Right (decodeStrict r)) in record >>= return . either (Left . DNS) toPosts