import random # This class of problems is known as "resevoir sampling". def choose_a(m, xs): """ Randomly choose `m` elements from `xs`. This algorithm runs in linear time with respect to the size of `xs`. """ result = xs[:m] for i in range(m, len(xs)): j = random.randint(0, i) if j < m: result[j] = xs[i] return result def choose_b(m, xs): """ This algorithm, which copies `xs`, which runs in linear time, and then shuffles the copies, which also runs in linear time, achieves the same result as `choose_a` and both run in linear time. `choose_a` is still preferable since it has a coefficient of one, while this version has a coefficient of two because it copies + shuffles. """ ys = xs[:] random.shuffle(ys) return ys[:m] # ROYGBIV xs = [ 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet', ] print(choose_b(3, xs))