* Array and string manipulation ** DONE Merging Meeting Times ** DONE Reverse String in Place ** DONE Reverse Words ** DONE Merge Sorted Arrays ** DONE Cafe Order Checker * Hashing and hash tables ** DONE Inflight Entertainment ** DONE Permutation Palindrome ** DONE Word Cloud Data ** DONE Top Scores * Greedy Algorithms ** DONE Apple Stocks ** DONE Highest Product of 3 ** DONE Product of All Other Numbers ** DONE Cafe Order Checker ** DONE In-Place Shuffle * Sorting, searching, and logarithms ** DONE Find Rotation Point ** TODO Find Repeat, Space Edition ** DONE Top Scores ** DONE Merging Meeting Times * Trees and graphs ** DONE Balanced Binary Tree ** DONE Binary Search Tree Checker ** DONE 2nd Largest Item in a Binary Search Tree ** DONE Graph Coloring ** DONE MeshMessage ** TODO Find Repeat, Space Edition BEAST MODE * Dynamic programming and recursion ** TODO Recursive String Permutations ** TODO Compute nth Fibonacci Number ** TODO Making Change ** TODO The Cake Thief ** DONE Balanced Binary Tree ** DONE Binary Search Tree Checker ** DONE 2nd Largest Item in a Binary Search Tree * Queues and stacks ** TODO Largest Stack ** TODO Implement A Queue With Two Stacks ** TODO Parenthesis Matching ** TODO Bracket Validator * Linked lists ** DONE Delete Node ** TODO Does This Linked List Have A Cycle? ** TODO Reverse A Linked List ** TODO Kth to Last Node in a Singly-Linked List ** TODO Find Repeat, Space Edition BEAST MODE * System design ** TODO URL Shortener ** TODO MillionGazillion ** TODO Find Duplicate Files * General programming ** TODO Rectangular Love ** TODO Temperature Tracker * Bit manipulation ** TODO Binary Numbers ** TODO The Stolen Breakfast Drone * Combinatorics, probability, and other math ** TODO Which Appears Twice ** TODO Find in Ordered Set ** DONE In-Place Shuffle ** TODO Simulate 5-sided die ** TODO Simulate 7-sided die ** TODO Two Egg Problem * JavaScript ** TODO JavaScript Scope ** TODO What's Wrong with This JavaScript? * Coding interview tips ** TODO How The Coding Interview Works ** TODO General Coding Interview Advice ** TODO Impostor Syndrome ** TODO Why You Hit Dead Ends ** TODO Tips for Getting Unstuck ** TODO The 24 Hours Before Your Interview ** TODO Beating Behavioral Questions ** TODO Managing Your Interview Timeline