# This file contains configuration for packages to install. # It does not contain configuration for software that is already covered # by other NixOS options (e.g. emacs) { config, pkgs, ... }: let fetchChannel = { rev, sha256 }: import (fetchTarball { inherit sha256; url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; }) { config.allowUnfree = true; }; # Channels last updated: 2018-06-15 # Instead of relying on Nix channels and ending up with out-of-sync # situations between machines, the commit for the stable Nix channel # is pinned here. stable = fetchChannel { rev = "08d245eb31a3de0ad73719372190ce84c1bf3aee"; sha256 = "1g22f8r3l03753s67faja1r0dq0w88723kkfagskzg9xy3qs8yw8"; }; # Certain packages from unstable are hand-picked into the package # set. unstable = fetchChannel { rev = "4b649a99d8461c980e7028a693387dc48033c1f7"; sha256 = "0iy2gllj457052wkp20baigb2bnal9nhyai0z9hvjr3x25ngck4y"; }; # Haskell IDE engine: hieCommit = "8f04568aa8c3215f543250eb7a1acfa0cf2d24ed"; hie = import (fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/domenkozar/hie-nix/archive/${hieCommit}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "06ygnywfnp6da0mcy4hq0xcvaaap1w3di2midv1w9b9miam8hdrn"; }) {}; in { # Configure the Nix package manager nixpkgs = { config.allowUnfree = true; # To use the pinned channel, the original package set is thrown # away in the overrides: config.packageOverrides = oldPkgs: stable // { # Store whole unstable channel in case that other modules need # it (see emacs.nix for example): inherit unstable; wallpapers = import ./pkgs/wallpapers.nix; pulseaudio-ctl = import pkgs/pulseaudio-ctl.nix; kontemplate = unstable.kontemplate; mq-cli = unstable.mq-cli; vlc = unstable.vlc; # VLC 3.0! }; }; # Configure additional binary caches (via Cachix) nix = { binaryCaches = [ # hie-nix contains the Haskell IDE Engine packaged for NixOS "https://hie-nix.cachix.org" ]; binaryCachePublicKeys = [ "hie-nix.cachix.org-1:EjBSHzF6VmDnzqlldGXbi0RM3HdjfTU3yDRi9Pd0jTY=" ]; trustedUsers = [ "root" "vincent" ]; }; # ... and declare packages to be installed. environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # Default nixos.* packages: alacritty binutils-unwrapped cargo curl direnv dnsutils evince exa fd file firefox-unwrapped fish gcc git gnumake gnupg google-cloud-sdk gopass htop hicolor-icon-theme i3lock iftop # Upstream link is down: # jetbrains.idea-ultimate jq kontemplate kubernetes lispPackages.quicklisp lxappearance-gtk3 manpages maven msmtp mq-cli ngrok notmuch numix-cursor-theme numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme offlineimap openjdk openssl openssl.dev pass pavucontrol pkgconfig pulseaudio-ctl pwgen ripgrep rustup sbcl screen siege spotify stdmanpages systemd.dev tdesktop terraform tig tmux tokei transmission tree units unzip vlc xclip xfce.xfce4-screenshooter # Haskell packages: cabal-install ghc hie.hie82 hlint stack stack2nix haskellPackages.stylish-haskell haskellPackages.yesod-bin ]; }