# This file contains configuration for packages to install. # It does not contain configuration for software that is already covered # by other NixOS options (e.g. emacs) { config, pkgs, ... }: let unstable = import { config.allowUnfree = true; }; rust-overlay = import nixpkgs-mozilla/rust-overlay.nix; in { # Configure the Nix package manager nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; nixpkgs.overlays = [ rust-overlay ]; # ... and declare packages to be installed. environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # Default nixos.* packages: alacritty curl direnv exa fd fish gcc git gnumake gnupg google-cloud-sdk htop i3lock jetbrains.idea-community kubernetes lxappearance-gtk3 manpages maven nixops numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme openjdk pass pavucontrol ripgrep rofi rofi-pass spotify stdmanpages tdesktop tig tmux tree unzip xclip xfce.xfce4-screenshooter # nixos-unstable.* packages: unstable.firefox-beta-bin unstable.numix-cursor-theme # Overlay packages: latest.rustChannels.stable.rust # Custom packages: (import pkgs/kontemplate.nix) (import pkgs/nixfd.nix) (import pkgs/terraform-bin.nix) ]; }