# This file contains configuration for packages to install. # It does not contain configuration for software that is already covered # by other NixOS options (e.g. emacs) { config, pkgs, ... }: let fetchChannel = { rev, sha256 }: import (fetchTarball { inherit sha256; url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs-channels/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; }) { config.allowUnfree = true; }; # Channels last updated: 2014-04-22 # Instead of relying on Nix channels and ending up with out-of-sync # situations between machines, the commit for the stable Nix channel # is pinned here. stable = fetchChannel { rev = "06c576b0525da85f2de86b3c13bb796d6a0c20f6"; sha256 = "01cra89drfjf3yhii5na0j5ivap2wcs0h8i0xcxrjs946nk4pp5j"; }; # Certain packages from unstable are required in my daily setup. To # get access to them, they are hand-picked from the unstable channel # and set as overrides on the system package set. unstable = fetchChannel { rev = "6c064e6b1f34a8416f990db0cc617a7195f71588"; sha256 = "1rqzh475xn43phagrr30lb0fd292c1s8as53irihsnd5wcksnbyd"; }; in { # Configure the Nix package manager nixpkgs = { config.allowUnfree = true; # To use the pinned channel, the original package set is thrown # away in the overrides: config.packageOverrides = oldPkgs: stable // { wallpapers = import ./pkgs/wallpapers.nix; pulseaudio-ctl = import pkgs/pulseaudio-ctl.nix; kontemplate = unstable.kontemplate; mq-cli = unstable.mq-cli; # Override EXWM from 0.17 -> 0.18 pinnedEmacs.exwm = unstable.emacsPackagesNg.elpaPackages.exwm; }; }; # ... and declare packages to be installed. environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # Default nixos.* packages: alacritty binutils-unwrapped cargo curl direnv dnsutils exa fd firefox-bin fish gcc git gnome3.dconf gnome3.evolution gnome3.glib_networking gnumake gnupg google-cloud-sdk gopass htop i3lock iftop jetbrains.idea-ultimate jq kontemplate kubernetes lispPackages.quicklisp lxappearance-gtk3 manpages maven mq-cli nixops numix-cursor-theme numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme openjdk openssl openssl.dev pass pavucontrol pkgconfig pulseaudio-ctl qjackctl ripgrep rustc rustracer sbcl spotify stdmanpages tdesktop terraform_0_10 tig tmux tree unzip xclip xfce.xfce4-screenshooter # Haskell packages: cabal-install ghc hlint stack stack2nix haskellPackages.intero haskellPackages.stylish-haskell haskellPackages.yesod-bin ]; }