# This file configures the primary build pipeline used for the # top-level list of depot targets. # # It outputs a "YAML" (actually JSON) file which is evaluated and # submitted to Buildkite at the start of each build. This means we can # dynamically configure the pipeline execution here. { depot, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (builtins) concatStringsSep foldl' map toJSON; inherit (lib) singleton; inherit (pkgs) writeText; # Create an expression that builds the target at the specified # location. mkBuildExpr = let descend = expr: attr: "builtins.getAttr \"${attr}\" (${expr})"; in foldl' descend "import ./. {}"; # Create a pipeline label from the targets tree location. mkLabel = concatStringsSep "/"; # Create a pipeline step from a single target. # # If the build fails, Buildkite metadata is updated to mark the # pipeline as failed. Buildkite has a concept of a failed pipeline # regardless, but this data is not accessible. mkStep = target: { command = '' nix-build -E '${mkBuildExpr target.__readTree}' || (buildkite-agent meta-data set "failure" "1"; exit 1) ''; label = ":nix: ${mkLabel target.__readTree}"; }; # Protobuf check step which validates that changes to .proto files # between revisions don't cause backwards-incompatible or otherwise # flawed changes. protoCheck = { command = "${depot.nix.bufCheck}/bin/ci-buf-check"; label = ":water_buffalo:"; }; # This defines the build pipeline, using the pipeline format # documented on https://buildkite.com/docs/pipelines/defining-steps # # Pipeline steps need to stay in order. pipeline.steps = # Zero the failure status [ { command = "buildkite-agent meta-data set 'failure' '0'"; label = ":buildkite:"; } { wait = null; } ] # Create build steps for each CI target ++ (map mkStep depot.ci.targets) ++ [ # Simultaneously run protobuf checks protoCheck # Wait for all previous checks to complete ({ wait = null; continue_on_failure = true; }) # Wait for all steps to complete, then exit with success or # failure depending on whether any failure status was written. # This step must be :duck:! (yes, really!) ({ command = "exit $(buildkite-agent meta-data get 'failure')"; label = ":duck:"; }) ]; in (writeText "depot.yaml" (toJSON pipeline))