# Configures a code search instance using Livegrep. # # We do not currently build Livegrep in Nix, because it's a complex, # multi-language Bazel build and doesn't play nicely with Nix. { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let cfg = config.services.depot.livegrep; livegrepConfig = { name = "livegrep"; fs_paths = [{ name = "depot"; path = "/depot"; metadata.url_pattern = "https://code.tvl.fyi/tree/{path}?id={version}#n{lno}"; }]; repositories = [{ name = "depot"; path = "/depot"; revisions = [ "HEAD" ]; metadata = { url_pattern = "https://code.tvl.fyi/tree/{path}?id={version}#n{lno}"; remote = "https://cl.tvl.fyi/depot.git"; }; }]; }; configFile = pkgs.writeText "livegrep-config.json" (builtins.toJSON livegrepConfig); # latest as of 2024-02-17 image = "ghcr.io/livegrep/livegrep/base:033fa0e93c"; in { options.services.depot.livegrep = with lib; { enable = mkEnableOption "Run livegrep code search for depot"; port = mkOption { description = "Port on which livegrep web UI should listen"; type = types.int; default = 5477; # lgrp }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.livegrep-codesearch = { inherit image; extraOptions = [ "--net=host" ]; volumes = [ "${configFile}:/etc/livegrep-config.json:ro" "/var/lib/gerrit/git/depot.git:/depot:ro" ]; entrypoint = "/livegrep/bin/codesearch"; cmd = [ "-grpc" "" # lgcs "-reload_rpc" "-revparse" "/etc/livegrep-config.json" ]; }; virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.livegrep-frontend = { inherit image; dependsOn = [ "livegrep-codesearch" ]; extraOptions = [ "--net=host" ]; entrypoint = "/livegrep/bin/livegrep"; cmd = [ "-listen" "${toString cfg.port}" "-reload" "-connect" "localhost:5427" "-docroot" "/livegrep/web" # TODO(tazjin): docroot with styles etc. ]; }; systemd.services.livegrep-reindex = { script = "${pkgs.docker}/bin/docker exec livegrep-codesearch /livegrep/bin/livegrep-reload localhost:5427"; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; }; systemd.paths.livegrep-reindex = { description = "Executes a livegrep reindex if depot refs change"; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; pathConfig = { PathChanged = [ "/var/lib/gerrit/git/depot.git/packed-refs" "/var/lib/gerrit/git/depot.git/refs" ]; }; }; }; } # sudo docker exec -ti livegrep /livegrep/bin/codesearch -reload_rpc -revparse /var/lib/livegrep/config.jsno # sudo docker run -d --ip --name livegrep -v /var/lib/livegrep:/varlib/livegrep -v /var/lib/gerrit/git/depot.git:/depot:ro -v /home/tazjin/livegrep-web:/livegrep/web:ro ghcr.io/livegrep/livegrep/base /livegrep/bin/livegrep -listen -reload -docroot /livegrep/webbsudo docker run -d --ip --name livegrep -v /var/lib/livegrep:/varlib/livegrep -v /var/lib/gerrit/git/depot.git:/depot:ro -v /home/tazjin/livegrep-web:/livegrep/web:ro ghcr.io/livegrep/livegrep/base /livegrep/bin/livegrep -listen -reload -docroot /livegrep/webb