# Configuration for running the TVL cgit instance using thttpd. { config, depot, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (pkgs) writeText; cfg = config.services.depot.cgit; cgitConfig = writeText "cgitrc" '' # Global configuration virtual-root=/ enable-http-clone=0 readme=:README.md about-filter=${depot.tools.cheddar.about-filter}/bin/cheddar-about source-filter=${depot.tools.cheddar}/bin/cheddar enable-log-filecount=1 enable-log-linecount=1 enable-follow-links=1 enable-blame=1 mimetype-file=${pkgs.mime-types}/etc/mime.types logo=https://static.tvl.fyi/${depot.web.static.drvHash}/logo-animated.svg # Repository configuration repo.url=depot repo.path=/var/lib/gerrit/git/depot.git/ repo.desc=monorepo for the virus lounge repo.owner=The Virus Lounge repo.clone-url=https://code.tvl.fyi/depot.git ''; thttpdConfig = writeText "thttpd.conf" '' port=${toString cfg.port} dir=${depot.third_party.cgit}/cgit nochroot novhost cgipat=**.cgi ''; # Patched version of thttpd that serves cgit.cgi as the index and # sets the environment variable for pointing cgit at the correct # configuration. # # Things are done this way because recompilation of thttpd is much # faster than cgit. thttpdConfigPatch = writeText "thttpd_cgit_conf.patch" '' diff --git a/libhttpd.c b/libhttpd.c index c6b1622..eef4b73 100644 --- a/libhttpd.c +++ b/libhttpd.c @@ -3055,4 +3055,6 @@ make_envp( httpd_conn* hc ) envn = 0; + // force cgit to load the correct configuration + envp[envn++] = "CGIT_CONFIG=${cgitConfig}"; envp[envn++] = build_env( "PATH=%s", CGI_PATH ); #ifdef CGI_LD_LIBRARY_PATH ''; thttpdCgit = pkgs.thttpd.overrideAttrs (old: { patches = [ ./thttpd_cgi_idx.patch thttpdConfigPatch ]; }); in { options.services.depot.cgit = with lib; { enable = mkEnableOption "Run cgit web interface for depot"; port = mkOption { description = "Port on which cgit should listen"; type = types.int; default = 2448; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { systemd.services.cgit = { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { Restart = "on-failure"; User = "git"; Group = "git"; ExecStart = pkgs.writeShellScript "cgit-launch" '' exec ${thttpdCgit}/bin/thttpd -D -C ${thttpdConfig} ''; }; }; }; }