# All Keycloak clients, that is applications which authenticate # through Keycloak. # # Includes first-party (i.e. TVL-hosted) and third-party clients. resource "keycloak_openid_client" "grafana" { realm_id = keycloak_realm.tvl.id client_id = "grafana" name = "Grafana" enabled = true access_type = "CONFIDENTIAL" standard_flow_enabled = true base_url = "https://status.tvl.su" valid_redirect_uris = [ "https://status.tvl.su/*", ] } resource "keycloak_openid_client" "gerrit" { realm_id = keycloak_realm.tvl.id client_id = "gerrit" name = "TVL Gerrit" enabled = true access_type = "CONFIDENTIAL" standard_flow_enabled = true base_url = "https://cl.tvl.fyi" description = "TVL's code review tool" direct_access_grants_enabled = true exclude_session_state_from_auth_response = false valid_redirect_uris = [ "https://cl.tvl.fyi/*", ] web_origins = [ "https://cl.tvl.fyi", ] } resource "keycloak_saml_client" "buildkite" { realm_id = keycloak_realm.tvl.id client_id = "https://buildkite.com" name = "Buildkite" base_url = "https://buildkite.com/sso/tvl" client_signature_required = false assertion_consumer_post_url = "https://buildkite.com/sso/~/1531aca5-f49c-4151-8832-a451e758af4c/saml/consume" valid_redirect_uris = [ "https://buildkite.com/sso/~/1531aca5-f49c-4151-8832-a451e758af4c/saml/consume" ] } resource "keycloak_saml_user_attribute_protocol_mapper" "buildkite_email" { realm_id = keycloak_realm.tvl.id client_id = keycloak_saml_client.buildkite.id name = "buildkite-email-mapper" user_attribute = "email" saml_attribute_name = "email" saml_attribute_name_format = "Unspecified" } resource "keycloak_saml_user_attribute_protocol_mapper" "buildkite_name" { realm_id = keycloak_realm.tvl.id client_id = keycloak_saml_client.buildkite.id name = "buildkite-name-mapper" user_attribute = "displayName" saml_attribute_name = "name" saml_attribute_name_format = "Unspecified" } resource "keycloak_openid_client" "panettone" { realm_id = keycloak_realm.tvl.id client_id = "panettone" name = "Panettone" enabled = true access_type = "CONFIDENTIAL" standard_flow_enabled = true valid_redirect_uris = [ "https://b.tvl.fyi/auth", "http://localhost:6161/auth", ] }